Bucket head
Well-Known Member

yah... very sad... She was coated in crystals already lol. Im still guna leave her in the light just in case, but I got another seed germing. Her roots are poking out the bottum of the stone wool. Ill take pics when I know shes dead for sure.
I still cant figure out what happend with the heater, At first I thought it was from my small burst in the AM, but I think someone plugged it in and left it in, because when I got home it was still plugged in. Maybe my bro killed my plant? I know I unplugged it I would never walk away with the sound of that heater blowing.
I dont know Im very sad and I just hope I never torcher a poor lil girl that again. It was heartbreaking.
While traumatic, it is nice that the biggest thing wasted (if it is wasted) is time and effort. And the upside of that is from that time and effort you have gained much knowledge and experience.
I was contemplating disaster yesterday when I noticed a couple bugs around my plants. I stupidly set my plants next to an open window for a couple hours. Anyways I thought a lot about it and even if (i don't think it would happen) all my plants died, it would totally suck, but I'd really only be down $60 for the clones and some nutrients. (other than time). It's nice that if you do kill your plant you don't have to go buy another 400w light.
And my guess is your roommate or whoever thought they were doing you a really big favor by remembering to turn the heater.
I got my single seed germed and in a stonewool plug. . .]
Are these Feminized seeds? If not, that will be your biggest regret a month from now if your plant turns out to be a male... you should germ at least two in case something should happen ... like your humidity dome melting and killing a plant....
horrible newss. Save me if you can. Everythings going wrong and I havent been able to get a net pot or hydroton, otherwise id have her in my bucket. I have accidently cut her well using paper and plastic to help shade her roots from the light, and now she has problems. She started turning red and growth slowed. The bottum leaves are turning yellowish and the cut spots kind of look like they are forming roots. Is there anything I can do to save her??? sorry bout the dam blurry pics.
I don't think she's going to die or anything. If those are roots growing just lower the plant in whatever it is in, if you can, so they will be in the water too. What is she in, aero?
I'd say just be real nice and take it slow with her and things should be ok. I don't think you've ruined anything.
not in aero yet, Cant get my hands on netpots or hydroton because of some recent problems. good to hear ya think she will be fine. I should be able to get her in my bucket verry soon. if it gets to late do you think she is to stressed/small for me to cut off some clones and just grow those?
ok no soil, in that plug.
You could suspend it with that on it, maybe unroll it, or cut it around any roots growing through. Just have the minimum hanging down weighing the plant down without hurting any of the roots.
I'm not sure, I just know you don't get online that much so I'm trying to think fast.