Bump If You're Baked!


Active Member
Bump. It's all about how you smoke, not just the bud. I usually only puff on chronic, but that dude stopped pushing so I had to get some mids. I think if you take a bowl in one hit of anything decent, you'll be pretty blazed.


Well-Known Member
bumpin some blue cheese....

I hate court...Im just gonna drag it out, and hopefully it will get dismissed...drug tickets are a waste of time in my county.


Well-Known Member
Lol Yeahman.. It's just a drag in anyones day.. It's like thewy wanna take time out in life just to fuck with you. I say if you pay taxes and don't go shootin the bar up then your a good citizen lol If people are dying then they shouldn't be fu%k%NG with me. Go do your fu*kIng JOB!!! Thats why I pay Taxes!!


Elite Rolling Society
I'm so baked, but I feel more like I do now, than I did a while ago.
Actually, I feel like that all over, more than any other place else.
Well, except for my head, it don't feel like that.....not now anyway.