Isit too late to start LST'ing a plant 3 weeks in flower?


Well-Known Member
my plant is like 70 cm now and 3 weeks into flowering, i was thinking could i still LST this plant? or put it kinda on its side?
please lemme know coz im thinking of going up there and putting the pot/plant on its side so the light gets all the bud sites.


Well-Known Member
my plant is like 70 cm now and 3 weeks into flowering, i was thinking could i still LST this plant? or put it kinda on its side?
please lemme know coz im thinking of going up there and putting the pot/plant on its side so the light gets all the bud sites.
I'd say its too late. Generally you'd want to start when you get your first few leaf sets early in veg. I haven't heard of it being done during flowering


Well-Known Member
damn i was really hoping i could, anyway i could get more light to my bud sites? and if theres anyone hu thinks i can lst during flowering please let me know.


Well-Known Member
sweet, in what fashion would you advise me to tie it down? Just tie string round the main cola and tie it down to the pot?


Well-Known Member
Ive gone and tied it about 6 inches down the main cola and pulled it about 90 degrees down to the pot.. Ive only done it on this single cola but now most of the colas get the same amount of light, its been an hour and a half and the main cola still hasnt bent towards the light.. is that normal? under a 400w hps.
Also remember this is a flowering plant 3 -4 weeks in, are u sure this wont stress it?
talk to me people... PLEASE


Active Member
hermies come from stress, so low stress training should be fine. Ive lstd lots and never had a herm, no worries

"its been an hour and a half and the main cola still hasnt bent towards the light" lol damn man, that's no time at all, give her at least 12-24hrs and see whats up.

I think the main reason for lsting during veg isnt because of less stress, but because the plant is growing vigorously with the stems and leaves and branches, and responds better in both rectifying itself and shooting out from the exposed branch sites, bushing up. Its not necessarily gonna be more stressful during flowering, just that the plant is trying to build bud, not so much grow bigger, so it might not respond as vigorously in terms of righting the stem back towards the light, and its obviously not gonna be prioritising leaf or bushing...

Its still beneficial to train the colas during flowering [if the opportunity arises] because you can arrange them around the bulb to maximise the light they get and to keep the canopy even.

If your cola doesnt move toward the light on its own, you can just position it wherever the hell you want and it'll probably stay there.
I like to keep my colas mostly vertical once theyre starting to develop because if you make them horizontal they have a tendency to stay that way and grow mini colas all sticking up from the horizontal stem instead of one big dense cola. funny lookin.

oh yeah, and stems are harder during flowering because the plants older, so its good to be gentle

have fun, and try lst during veg next time to bush em out before you flower, I promise its a good idea


Well-Known Member
Ok thanks for those tips, so i tied the main cola down last night and here are some piks for you guys to tell me what ive done wrong/right. I have noticed that it has begun turning towards the light.
Also "Kaos" i didnt start lsting for bushyness i did it for more light penetration..

Here are the piks i took in the dark so you can see better lemme know if ive done anything incorrect.. Thanks



Well-Known Member
I'd say its too late. Generally you'd want to start when you get your first few leaf sets early in veg. I haven't heard of it being done during flowering
I lst throughout the whole life cycle and have for decades, its the way to get serious oz'age from your girls.


Global Moderator
Staff member
Don't sweat it, looks like you're doing fine.
I LST mine all the time - I bend a hook out of some solid copper ground wire & then use large (3/4") stainless steel nuts that I put on the other end - I use em through out my scrog to pull their heads down. I find that the buds respond very quickly turning up to the 600w HPS lamps within an hour or two. Pretty amazing & cool to see it happen.
Like I said, just relax - it'll happen, just watch.


Well-Known Member
man be careful traiing late. its still worth doing but i trained mine late and went easy on it and after growing for a couple of days. SNAP!! the main stem broke with no weight or stress. i taped it back together and in a week it grew back as 1 but be carefull is all. good luck man your about the same amount along as me


Active Member
man be careful traiing late. its still worth doing but i trained mine late and went easy on it and after growing for a couple of days. SNAP!! the main stem broke with no weight or stress. i taped it back together and in a week it grew back as 1 but be carefull is all. good luck man your about the same amount along as me
Thats why you need to be careful and not careless...and the stem did snap with stress how else would it have snapped...


Well-Known Member
not saying it didn't snap from being too tight. but it happened about a week after i tyed it down and was never moved or shaken by more than the breese from my fan. as plants grow they could snap themselves. it could happen to anybody. just a fluke


Well-Known Member
its a little ignorant to call someone you don't know careless because of 1 post. Are you telling me youve never made a mistake? sorry ghandi