Right!I know all about that, but the government is STUPID and couldn't get their heads out of their asses with a GPS.
I'm a little biased to say the least, but what I think is stupid is that "smart" people allow this gov't to stay in power. It makes Me sick that anyone that knows about FLUORIDE and lets the gov't keep poisoning the publics waters. So they just stop drinking tap water but don't tell anyone else about it because they don't care.
The so called "stupid" people are less bright because of their enviornment. If Your born in the ghetto and go to poor schools and can't afford to eat properly than its going to have an effect.
I do NOT believe ignorance/"stupidity" is a genetic characteristic but rather an enviornmental influence. For instance, take a baby born from a "stupid" couple and bring him/her up in the best enviornment, and I'm sure that baby will become a model citizen. But take that same baby and bring him/her up in this enviornment

and Your going to "get what You pay for".
So I believe people are products of their enviornment. And "stupid" people don't genetically have "stupid" children.
So its almost class warfare, where the rich have "smarter" children and the poor have "ignorant" children because of money. So the question than becomes "should poor people be allowed to breed?".
One could say that short people aren't as good citizens because they can't physically do as much as taller people. So, in that sense, they could be thought of as a burden to society. And a eugenics minded person could argue that "short people shouldn't be allowed to breed". And short people are genetically inclined (or declined) to give birth to short people. So "stupid" people can have smart children but short people usually have short kids. Just something to think about anyways.
Like I said, what blows My mind away is that "smart" people have access to this kind of information https://www.rollitup.org/toke-n-talk/161143-viva-la-revolution.html and still choose to allow the gov't to keep doing what they are doing. After figuring these things out I realized that there needs to be a total REVOLUTION to put an end the rogue politicians in power.