First Grow - Hydro/Organic/Stealth Hydro--> FEM "Snow White" & FEM "Venus"


Well-Known Member
looking good nas.:weed: running out of room is a good problem:-P most people try for that. as long as your light penetrates the canopy its not to crowded.:peace:
Thanks man.

I actually went in there with the full intention of switching them to 12/12 but they're getting so damn tall now. One is over 24 inches, and the others a close 2nd, except for one other mother that takes up he entire lid of the 10gal res.

So, I may rethink using the 6 seat bubbler, even though there's only 4 in it for flowering. I'm afraid they're going to go nuts & double in size like everyone says.

I also have to track down another power strip somewhere in the house so I can hook the lights up to the timer, which I haven't even messed with yet.

5 weeks is good for veg , no ?

How long did you go for ?


Well-Known Member
Thanks man.

I actually went in there with the full intention of switching them to 12/12 but they're getting so damn tall now. One is over 24 inches, and the others a close 2nd, except for one other mother that takes up he entire lid of the 10gal res.

So, I may rethink using the 6 seat bubbler, even though there's only 4 in it for flowering. I'm afraid they're going to go nuts & double in size like everyone says.

I also have to track down another power strip somewhere in the house so I can hook the lights up to the timer, which I haven't even messed with yet.

5 weeks is good for veg , no ?

How long did you go for ?
those look great for 35 days. that is how long i went. kept the cfls close. they got about 18" tall, should have went a little longer. i have room for 60" in my closet. looking forward to see what you end up with.


Well-Known Member
those look great for 35 days. that is how long i went. kept the cfls close. they got about 18" tall, should have went a little longer. i have room for 60" in my closet. looking forward to see what you end up with.
cool... that was 27 days I think, I haven't taken pics of DAY 35 yet though. Just didn't have enough time today... But tomorrow is the day!


Well-Known Member
cool... that was 27 days I think, I haven't taken pics of DAY 35 yet though. Just didn't have enough time today... But tomorrow is the day!
Mine are on day 34 tomorrow. I'll take picks of mine and show you. Yours look bigger than mine, and healthy too. I'll keep an eye on this journal. Nice one.


Well-Known Member
Here's my white widow day 33. Biggest is about 10 to 11 inches wide. Training mine for scrog.

Now you can see how much healthier yours look. :-P


Well-Known Member
Here's my white widow day 33. Biggest is about 10 to 11 inches wide. Training mine for scrog.

Now you can see how much healthier yours look. :-P
I appreciate the praise. Rep to you my friend.

I just spent the last 90 minutes or so rearranging everything, getting the timer in there (not fluent on programming it as of yet), and flushing all the nutes out of the reservoirs... Refilling (ran a hose in there finally), adding the 'new' Botanicare FLOWER & FRUITING nutes and I'm beat.

Still have to fertilize the lawn & take pictures of the bushy betty's.

I have one that takes up the entire length of the 10gallon res tub. That's gotta be 18 inches or so. The other one is taller, not as wide.

I KNOW... I KNOW... I gotta get pics. I actually want to see if I can find the nice red sony, (carl ziess whatever) camera I bought her a christmas... or 2... ago; and take some pics with that.

I have to get that timer thing straightened out by say 6pm, make sure there's no light getting in and fertilize the @##$@# lawn.

Pics tonight.


Well-Known Member
DAY 36 ---> 1st Day of FLOWERING PHASE.

MARCH 7, 2009 : 7:20 P.M.

Somehow I got my days mixed up, I calculated everything again, and I am at DAY 36, which is basically 5 weeks and 1 day. I think it's time to FLOWER, these things are getting out of hand.

Just as a small recap... I now have 3 separate reservoirs.

One 10-Gallon Reservoir: Houses 4 medium sized plants but there is no room anymore. I think I'm going to have to split up 2 of those 4 and put them in their own five gallon bucket.

Another 10-Gallon Reservoir: Houses the widest & thickest plant I have. It now reaches 24 inches across and about 17 inches high. One of the longest leaves is about 8 inches itself, not from the stalk.

Then a 5-Gallon bucket with my tallest plant. I like the 5-Gallon route, because it'll take 3 gallons instead of 6 that are in the other one's, but you still have to worry about the air-stones. This plant is just over 2 feet tall right now at DAY 36. Not bad I hope.

In addition to the LIQUID KARMA and Pure Blend Pro from Botanicare, I am now using General Hydroponics Floral Nectar in the mix. The dude at the hydro store suggested that OVER 'Sweet' by Botanicare... Even though he was pushing the Botanicare. He's honest and I trust him. They also just got Dutch whatever line in, so who knows next time. I am noticing that when you switch to the Pure Blend Pro FLOWER & FRUITING nute, as opposed to the VEG nute... It takes a HELL of a lot more. They suggest 30ml per gallon for normal fruiting, and 45ml for AGGRESSIVE fruiting. I went mild, then I'll crank it up a notch after a week, give or take. That's a lot of nutrients. The fresh res nute solution mimmicks that of a fresh water lake. Dark, murky and thick. Once you add that Liquid Karma forget about it. I STILL cannot fathom how people run 30 days, or even a whole grow without changing their nutes. I mean, regardless is you're checking PPM, pH, whatever,... there is SEDIMENT, and there's no way around that. For me, when in doubt, flush the shit out.

*** I'm going to post a bunch of pics below, hopefully you can see some with the tape measurer I whipped out for the occasion.

NOTE: I must say that this whole process is a lot of fun.... but worrying about air-stones moving, then having to disconnect them when I switch the NUTE solution out is a PAIN IN THE ASS. That's the one thing I'm going to try and 'update' somehow, when I get around to it. Hopefully, well definitely by next grow. I'm switching out the res nutes every 5-7 days. It works out well because I recycle the week old nutrient solution over all of the palms, banana tree's and lush vegetation the previous owner of our home left.

I also had a little trouble with the 'Intermatic' Digital timer, and I am awaiting it's first test. I have it shutting off at DUSK, and turning on at DAWN. Yeah, I know electric is a bit more, but I need to do it this way. Light is an issue if I run it during the day and I'm always in and out of there.

So, please feel free to comment or throw some advice at me... I can take it !

bongsmilie gettin' close...




Well-Known Member
dear god your on the road like me , lol supposedly this is a super old school method sais every dro shop ive been to lol its really too much hassle during flowering man ... i flwoerd at 18 inches and there 28 inches now since about the 2nd week fo flower.... so take into account there guna get alot bigger and changing the res's are bullshit lol lifthing a very delicate plant , pulling out and cleaning the air stone put it in the new bucket , let alone to time it tkes to mix the solutions individually... jsut warning you its guna be scary and hard to change the res'sand itl take quite a while out of ur day , id say flower em now .. and5gal buckets might not be big enough for flowering... honestly the roots are almost root bound in the buckets lol they drink about 1.5 gallons a day of water so theres alot of watering to do when you do them this big..... so buddy look through my journal you can pretty much watch wats guna happen adnd the troubles and i got tons of new ideas and plans for rooms on there so theres lots of info, but what im thinking of for the next time ... just do pvc pipes shallow water culture... all ya need is a big tupperware stoarge container for a res, ph it, tds it, and ur goldent... get a submersable pump to pump water through the pumps , have the pipes let the water drop back into the res.... and you only have to fuck with the res once a week for a change , and water the res every 3 days ... plants dont move , and if u wanted ... get sprayer nozels and small tubing setup almost an aero or drip system u know , water would be spraying around in there and it ould water the roots or have the tubes pointing on the roots u know , endless posiblitys , but i know your guna want more lights dude, cuz its guna be heavy vegetation, and a 400 wont do 4 plants and give you a decent yeild... everything guna try to popcorn in the middle, you should really lollypop ur plants beforeflowering ... ripoff the lower 1/3 of braches, give a week for recooperation, it wont grow in this time so no worrys, and its befor eht eflower stage so it wont effect ur yeild, and ul yeild so much more in the top, high quality nugs... i had this problem... too much veg not enough light ... good sized colas but if i wood have lollypopped them i would have massive fuckin mega buds... its a good tip buddy think it over... no one likes airy popcorn nugs the plant can take up to losing 50 percent of its vegitation before dying so ur golden.... this is how many people get monster buds becsause all the enegy goes into making the good buds, not a little bit all over the plant u know... more concentrated your doing great... i hope you have a freind to help with res changes though its guna get tough... and tying them up late in flowering so the buds dont break lol that makes res change even funner... happy growing im subscribed for sure buddy ,+rep good job!


Well-Known Member
dear god your on the road like me , lol supposedly this is a super old school method sais every dro shop ive been to lol its really too much hassle during flowering man ... i flwoerd at 18 inches and there 28 inches now since about the 2nd week fo flower.... so take into account there guna get alot bigger and changing the res's are bullshit lol lifthing a very delicate plant , pulling out and cleaning the air stone put it in the new bucket , let alone to time it tkes to mix the solutions individually... jsut warning you its guna be scary and hard to change the res'sand itl take quite a while out of ur day , id say flower em now .. and5gal buckets might not be big enough for flowering... honestly the roots are almost root bound in the buckets lol they drink about 1.5 gallons a day of water so theres alot of watering to do when you do them this big..... so buddy look through my journal you can pretty much watch wats guna happen adnd the troubles and i got tons of new ideas and plans for rooms on there so theres lots of info, but what im thinking of for the next time ... just do pvc pipes shallow water culture... all ya need is a big tupperware stoarge container for a res, ph it, tds it, and ur goldent... get a submersable pump to pump water through the pumps , have the pipes let the water drop back into the res.... and you only have to fuck with the res once a week for a change , and water the res every 3 days ... plants dont move , and if u wanted ... get sprayer nozels and small tubing setup almost an aero or drip system u know , water would be spraying around in there and it ould water the roots or have the tubes pointing on the roots u know , endless posiblitys , but i know your guna want more lights dude, cuz its guna be heavy vegetation, and a 400 wont do 4 plants and give you a decent yeild... everything guna try to popcorn in the middle, you should really lollypop ur plants beforeflowering ... ripoff the lower 1/3 of braches, give a week for recooperation, it wont grow in this time so no worrys, and its befor eht eflower stage so it wont effect ur yeild, and ul yeild so much more in the top, high quality nugs... i had this problem... too much veg not enough light ... good sized colas but if i wood have lollypopped them i would have massive fuckin mega buds... its a good tip buddy think it over... no one likes airy popcorn nugs the plant can take up to losing 50 percent of its vegitation before dying so ur golden.... this is how many people get monster buds becsause all the enegy goes into making the good buds, not a little bit all over the plant u know... more concentrated your doing great... i hope you have a freind to help with res changes though its guna get tough... and tying them up late in flowering so the buds dont break lol that makes res change even funner... happy growing im subscribed for sure buddy ,+rep good job!

No shit. You're totally right, I never looked at it like that. Yeah, I'm going to want to get cola's... I mean, if I dump another few hundred on a fat light, I will make that up just alone in a Zeeee... Currently at four hundred strong in these parts.

Honestly, I do it all by myself. The wifey has no idea... I told her brother in law, but he doesn't even want to learn. And I trust no one else. Can you come over ? LOL... j/k...

What size light do you think I need to get four FAT yielding plants ?

DOUBLE REP if I could chief... I'm all over your journal/thread in a bit.


Well-Known Member
Nice Nas. Awesome DWC grow. Great roots and very nice healthy looking plants bro.

Dude, Thanks... seriously. I had the lids off for so long today that I didn't get a chance to take more recent pics of the roots. They were out of water for over 30 minutes while I rearranged everything.

I'm really thinking about projectinfo's many thoughts to chew on... Now I'll be up all night... HA...HAHA...



Well-Known Member
Yea Ive been looking into E&F myself also experimenting with some coco plants.
I honestly think that DWC will work in with any ideas and can and will produce the same results if not better in a solid DWC set-up that is.
Looks like u have things running smoothly right now why would u go and change things up at this point.
Ive done most of the crash and burn already and im working with basicly the same nutes bro. Almost exact.
If u have any questions just hit me up.
Ur grow is tight tho man. I think ill learn alot myself just checking in on this thread tho.
Just keep doing what ur doing man. Dont be surprised or feel bad if and when u hurt peoples feelings in the process.
Ur shit is tight bro. Stay on track.


Well-Known Member
Yea Ive been looking into E&F myself also experimenting with some coco plants.
I honestly think that DWC will work in with any ideas and can and will produce the same results if not better in a solid DWC set-up that is.
Looks like u have things running smoothly right now why would u go and change things up at this point.
Ive done most of the crash and burn already and im working with basicly the same nutes bro. Almost exact.
If u have any questions just hit me up.
Ur grow is tight tho man. I think ill learn alot myself just checking in on this thread tho.
Just keep doing what ur doing man. Dont be surprised or feel bad if and when u hurt peoples feelings in the process.
Ur shit is tight bro. Stay on track.
Much appeciated man. I like the DWC bubbler setup, and I totally see why the added air really cranks it up a notch. I'm going to see what I can come up with as far as separating at least 2 of the 4 plants left in the original 6 seat bubbler. There is just no room. That is why I am going to have to change the current setup.

What I want is one big fat AIR PUMP, not these 'Tetra 100's' that they bang me over forty bucks for. I'll spend the money, I just want something that will handle at least a dozen outputs with decent pressure.

And I would LOVE to get a 1000 watt HPS or one of those dual one's that will do both HPS & MH... BUT... I don't have the freakin room. The height is going to kill me. I can only go about 5 feet high. That's going to be an issue. So, I'm thinking another 400 or possibly a 600 to get it going just a tad more.


Anyone have any idea what some of the best 'complete' 400/600 setups are ? Cost ?

I'd like to support my local hydro store, but THIS is getting expensive. Then again, I keep thinking of the current FOUR HUNDRED STRONG price on a Zeeee here and that makes me keep pushing on...

The setup I really like is the PVC one, with the roots in one spot all the time, but I have to do some more research and see what I can come up with and hopefully learn something.

NEED TO GET ANOTHER LIGHT THOUGH !! They won't fit under the small canopy. I also need to get some reflective material, mylar/etc... I have nothing but 2 sides of it are painted white, the rest green... LOL. Seems to be working ok for right now. But I can definitely see how valuable the advice of 'they're going to get bigger' very clearly now.

More to come... ;-)


Well-Known Member
ahhaa thanks dude no worrys yeah read mine and il be on here nonstop to help when you got questions buddy ive been through this and ive had probly every problem lol

and i know the trust thing man its harsh .... im not guna lie man its guna be alot of work, and its alot to watch for .. is this your first grow ???

uh well i have 4 plants just like you and a tiny little one lol and i have a 1000w hps and a 400w hps and the colas are like a coke bottle but theres a few thigns i did to mess up if you read i messed the ph form day one, and light burn/nute burn... didnt keep up with the water intake and the ppm gets too concentrated and burned a few tiems lol but man im here il get you trhough a grow lookin green i know what to watch for now in our system

think about heat issues when you get a new light because you might need to get a high cfm blower fan and a light hood to reduce the heat... another good method is blow a fan right at the light it will dissapate it but it doesnt matter if you dont have good ventilation lol

you need good ventilation and lots of fans putting air inbetweenthose leaves ... its going to be thick vegitation dude and its prone to mold and mildew from lack of air flow and aeration
stale air is trapped , the plant throws out h2s and oxygen and will be alot of bad problems lol so good air flow, fans on them so they bulk up by having constant small amounts of stress like in the wild, just on medium or something dont beat them up lol, your probly going to need 2 large air stones in each bucket by the end of it...

and yeah if u can vent it and cool it down id get a 1000 , or a 600... and im going to go back and find that lollypop thread for you to show how to do it so u dont kill anyhting .. u may be too far in who knows 1 min buddy


Well-Known Member
yeah it would be hard to change ways now.... the root systems are setup different and wouldnt work in pvc now and it would be a lil costly, and i would put them all in 5 gallot buckets .. ur guna have to do it eventually beleive me

and light 60 bucks, hood 75, ballast 200, chains 5, hooks 2, buckets 5 ea, air stones 15 ea, air pumps 50 ea or a big one 100-300, fans 5-30


Well-Known Member
Yeah, it's my first grow. The ceiling is about 15 feet up in the air so the heat just rises, and blends through the room. It's also open at one end so there's air circulation. I do have a plywood top on it but there are plenty of places for air to escape so I'm not worried about it... YET. It gets pretty hot down here south of south carolina, so who knows.

You got me going on that FOLIAR SPRAY MAN!!! Damn you... LOL. Now I'm going to be up all night.

Next time, I think I'm either going to start with 5 gallon buckets right from the get-go, OR do a PVC setup... But I doubt I'll have time to freakin' build it. Too much on my plate.

I'm going to do some research and see what kind of light kit I can come up with. Your breakdown of costs is right on the money... So much to think about.

I think I have about a week before all hell breaks loose.


Well-Known Member
haha yeah pvc wont work this late... ur plants are hardcore DWC, they have elongated tap roots with a large root ball, or at least will lol and shall water cultue they start kinking and running down the pipe at the get go so i dont think it would work....and yeahwhatta ya wanna know about the foliar spray man ive asked quite a few questions over the days man haha i think you shoould get dwc in the 5 gal buckets becuase your going to have to eventually.. save ur time and money do pvc from the start next time or go to the dro sttore and buy a shallow water culture sytem check it out... and you can get lids of the buckets that at like a foot wide mesh pot so like the lid is a deep mesh pot and you put the hydroton expanded clay balls in there and put ur cube a lil burryed and ur set it will love that haha better then what i did look at what i made for lide on the buckets ... il leave you go look and try to figure it out haha :D:D DIY FTW

and you have really good space and u can dissapate heat fuck it get an reflector light hood and a 600w hps or 1000w hps, and vent it strait up or outside if ya can and yeah u should definitly seperat those palnts before there roots all tangle together and its too late.... its a harsh day when you have to beat the shit out of ur flowering plants root balls man ... big stress... yeild is effected


Well-Known Member
When u get a chance bro check out my current grow LOL.
Great results are possible in any grow method especially a true simple Dwc tub.
I cant really go into the harvests ive had in a 3 sq ft area in one 18 gallon tub with a few air stones and a couple commercial pumps but its been close to .80 Grams per watt..........?
Im planning on doing it again soon see how simple it truly is.
Good luck bro...


Well-Known Member
looking good bro.:bigjoint: hope they keep it up. i am not having the same results as you:cuss: waiting to see some of those killer budz:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
closet the link in ur sig doesnt work im trying to get to ur grow to throw some advice ur way possibly if ur having problems...

chack out my grow buddy , almost the same as this guy cept im day 3 of flushing = D