my rainforest 66


Active Member
ok finally got everthing set up. ive got my rf 66 from gh in my inclosed closet with a 250w grow light. ive had to run 8 computer fans and two large fans to keep the temp at 75. my babies are two weeks old, about 5 in s tall and just starting their second leaves. next week im gonna drain the res and replace it with fresh nutrient solution, im using gh's flora micro, flora bloom, and flora grow. will post pics soon, when i get a camera. any advice?


Well-Known Member
That system produces quickly. It's a pain in the ass to do res checks and changes with all 6 spots taken up. What's your plant there? Oh, and how's your res temp under that 250w? I had to use a chiller when I had mine under a 400w.


Active Member
well i thought of that in advance, luckily and im only using 5 pots. my res temp is between 70 and 75, is that good? and just trying it out with good bagseed, wanted to see how well it worked before i dropped the money on some seeds oh and how long usually from start to harvest?


Well-Known Member
Good luck with your grow bwill. I just got my RF66 and am starting a grow of my own next week. I will be following your grow.


Active Member
thanks 206. keep me posted on your grow, it will be interesting to see someone else using the same system.


Well-Known Member
well i thought of that in advance, luckily and im only using 5 pots. my res temp is between 70 and 75, is that good? and just trying it out with good bagseed, wanted to see how well it worked before i dropped the money on some seeds oh and how long usually from start to harvest?
68' for the res is ideal for maximizing dissolved o2 in the water. 75 is pretty warm, but probably ok. You can use additives like hygrozyme or h2o2 if you start seeing any infection.
Once the roots hit the water, my plants did a lot better after I added an o2 stone to it. This system is marketed as an aero system, but it's actually an aero/dwc hybrid. I don't know why they wouldn't have planned for an o2 stone in the res in the first place.
The biggest downfall of this system is it's size. For 6(or 5) plants in this tight of a space, they have to be flowered pretty small or it gets really crowded. If you could establish a mother and then work from clone, it would help keep everything consistent.
I'd also suggest this system for a scrog. Again, you really need to be working from an established female mother or consider investing in some feminized seeds.


Active Member
ok had a few of my plants fell over and kinda died? no idea y ,the ther ones are doing fine though.had a few cooling problems,im now running 9 computer fans for intake and two medium fans for exhaust, brought it back down to 75. they seem to be growing to tall though...any ideas?


Well-Known Member
No worries. scrog is a screen of green. You fasten a "screen", ussually plastic trellis above the canopy and as the plant grows through, you weave it back under. This forces the canopy to be flat and short. You cut off everything under the screen and allow the flowers to grow above it.


Active Member
thanks aeroking, gonna have to check that out. well, today i took temp checks, my res was at 71 , but the room was at 85 again. so i went down to the hardware store and bought some dryer venting and ran it up to te attic and hooked it up to my intake. finally, i think this will do it.


Active Member
wow im a idiot. so i was checking my res temp earlier, i took out one of the pots and set it to the side. i take the temp(71) and then my dumb ass knocks the pot into the hole, splilling hydroton all in my res. i fished them all out, think this will fuck anything up?


Active Member
temp 76, res temp 70, ph 6.1
going to set up a scrog soon, oince plants hit 18 in. after this harvest, im gonna take a good mother and put her in soil solution of coconut coir, meat and bone meal, feather meal, brown rock phosphate, perlite vermiculite and ur basic copper zinc boron. got a nice cabinet jus chillin their all empty.


Active Member
air temp 75 res temp 70
so today i drained the res what a pain in the ass that was lol and cleaned the whole thing out and refilled it with fresh nutrient started at 6.4,three hours later at 6.0. 5 healthy looking young plants. will post pics soon. peace


Active Member
thanks idk if its the seeds i used, or some other factor but they seem to be growing pretty slow...thier bout 7' with 5 to 6 leaves, bout two weeks since seeds cracked will post pics soon dont have a cam right now sorry


Active Member
added a 10 in air stone to the res...thinkin bout adding a couple more soon see how this affects root growth. ive been reading about the floranova nutes and contemplated switching to these as my flora 3part is about gone yay nay?


Well-Known Member
I used floranova in my rainforest for a while. I'd suggest you stick to the 3part. Any organic nutrient you use will cause more shit to build up in the Vortex sprayer and it will start clogging up and not misting well.


Active Member
good point... and the three part seems to be a lot cheaper at 8 bucks a quartvs 19 for flora nova