yellowing of the bottom leaves


Active Member
hey guys just a quicky the very bottom two leaves on 1 of me plants are going very slowly yellow any ideas ???? input would be appreciated cheers peace out


Well-Known Member
if those are the first 2 that opened when it sprouted then dont worry about it.
As long as you have good green healthy looking leaves everywhere else I wouldn't sweat it but make sure that you are waiting until you can stick your finger down to the second line in the soil and it's dry before watering if using soil I add mirco nutes. to my plants once a month atleast to keep them green just don't over water them what are you growing in by the way?


Active Member
still in vegie atm the bottom sprouted leaves that are meant to come off have these are the very first fan leaves, everywhere else looks fine though progress is slow though



Active Member
does it grow a lot squatter then cos im really new to growing an only just got the net, are fl really that efficient an would 2 20 watt fl's be good enough to flower ?


Well-Known Member
yes..better lighting will slow that stretch down and let it veg properly...2 cfls will be good to start with but you will want to triple it when you start to flower...
yes soon that plant will be leaning strecthing out of the pot.get cfls or the mh so you can get a bush instead of a sick stick.Good luck