Obama says F you


Well-Known Member
[youtube]<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/AHcxzBwjYHg&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/AHcxzBwjYHg&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/youtube]


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Lousy edit job there. No matter, as he drains the nation of its wealth he might as well say it.


Well-Known Member
Lousy edit job there. No matter, as he drains the nation of its wealth he might as well say it.

The nation was drained of all its wealth when Bush took office and gave the surplus he inherited to Halliburton and Exxon.


Well-Known Member
no shit .. how is he draining our nation.. you fuckin retarded republican fucks .. fuck you assholes.. quit wasting our nations money on oil and killing inocent people looking for "WMD's" ..

pool dude

Active Member
Blah..blah...blah Bush spent all of our money and the messia is just tryin to spent our way out of it. At least Bush spent our money... Obama just spent your great great grand kids future. But why do you care I bet none of you blind sheep even work


Well-Known Member
no shit .. how is he draining our nation.. you fuckin retarded republican fucks .. fuck you assholes.. quit wasting our nations money on oil and killing inocent people looking for "WMD's" ..
Please be more polite on these forums. :lol: Idiot. Asshole. Political weasel.


Well-Known Member
chchoda licker says what .. . who r u .. a mccain voter....looooser llooser
ma mama my obama.. yes we can ..


Well-Known Member
Blah..blah...blah Bush spent all of our money and the messia is just tryin to spent our way out of it. At least Bush spent our money... Obama just spent your great great grand kids future. But why do you care I bet none of you blind sheep even work

he would only become a "messiah" if he cleans up the shit from the anti christ..


New Member
It's Bushs' fault, all the way. I hope the world court brands him a war criminal, and he takes a long vacation to Europe where they catch him and give him his due. Hang him by his nuts in a public square (In Bagdad) and let the wives and mothers of all the dead Iraqis and Afghans stick knitting needles in his eyes. Not that I dislike him or anything.


Active Member
He is the distraction to everything that is being prepared right in front of our faces we are too dumbed by this bullshit wake up people fucking wake up.... If it makes sense it wont work!!!! GET IT!!!!!!!!:peace


New Member
He is the distraction to everything that is being prepared right in front of our faces we are too dumbed by this bullshit wake up people fucking wake up.... If it makes sense it wont work!!!! GET IT!!!!!!!!:peace
All you righties need to take a fucking time out and let Obama either solve this horrendous train wreck or fail on his own. Piling on to cause failure will do no-one any good, including the righties.


Active Member
All you righties need to take a fucking time out and let Obama either solve this horrendous train wreck or fail on his own. Piling on to cause failure will do no-one any good, including the righties.
Just wake up and realize what the plan is!!! this is all B/S, he is not here to save us, since when does the government do shit in our favor? its not for or of the people. only those who have money are allowed speak and most only speak in their favor. you have to do what is right for your self and for others, just as i do for myself and for others!!! that is the way it is meant!!! dont sit around and wait till we are all fucked!!:peace: And one more thing there is no more a democratic/ republican government it is one now but they pretend to separate themselves on purpose... remember our last conversation when or why do people in schools separate themselves, well i forgot to say one thing and that is we all need to come together and stop annoying or pissing each other off and work together you have a voice as do i so speak up my friend SPEAK UP!!!


New Member
50 billion+ national debt counting unfunded mandates.

Educational system based upon results - one of the worst on the planet.

Social Security - Broke.

Medicare - Broke.

Prescription drug program - broke.

Post office - Broke.

Military - $800 toilet seats & $500 hammers.

Pelosi - private jet at taxpayer expense.

Congress - forced lenders to loan to unqualified borrowers.

Bush - Trillions of debt.

Obama - More trillions of debt.

Clinton - Pardoned Marc Rich who owed 24 million to the IRS.

Obama - Hires a tax cheat to run the IRS.

And on ... and on ... and on ... and on ... And this is just recent history.

And yet, there are still those of you who continue to believe that government is the answer. Go figure.



New Member
50 billion+ national debt counting unfunded mandates.

Educational system based upon results - one of the worst on the planet.

Social Security - Broke.

Medicare - Broke.

Prescription drug program - broke.

Post office - Broke.

Military - $800 toilet seats & $500 hammers.

Pelosi - private jet at taxpayer expense.

Congress - forced lenders to loan to unqualified borrowers.

Bush - Trillions of debt.

Obama - More trillions of debt.

Clinton - Pardoned Marc Rich who owed 24 million to the IRS.

Obama - Hires a tax cheat to run the IRS.

And on ... and on ... and on ... and on ... And this is just recent history.

And yet, there are still those of you who continue to believe that government is the answer. Go figure.

And your solution is? Oh that's right, eliminate taxes and we'll all live happily ever after. What a line of crap. No-one likes to pay taxes, but they are a necessary evil. I and many like me would like to have more say in how our taxes are spent, but we need taxes to keep this country working. The rich should pay more. Example: if you make 20 million and they tax you 60%, that still leaves you 8 million bucks. Just how much does one family need when there are children going hungry down the street in every major city in America?


New Member
And your solution is? Oh that's right, eliminate taxes and we'll all live happily ever after.
Med, you are a stone-blind dupe of the Left. The folks like Obama, Pelosi, Reid, Dodd, Frank and Maxine Waters are just licking their chops at the thought of having misguided, envious, jealous, non-thinkers like yourself in their camp.

Do a search and find one post where I've ever advocated eliminating all taxes and we'll go from there.

'Till then, stifle. :blsmoke:
