Crop 09 pics

BiG PuFFer

Well-Known Member
yea i been flushing... i think i should not of waited so long to cut them.. i think the trich stories on here are bull shit.. This kush is 9 weeks in flower and the amber trichs were back at like week 5.


Well-Known Member
very niccce, hope one of my AI's turns out purple.... i know my Querkle will. very nice bro. organic???


Well-Known Member
Hey BP, nice grow mate +rep.
What strain is the 4th pic across in your first post? The trichs on that bud are fantastic.


Active Member
molasses dosent do shit with out enzymes to break it down, except supply some n-p-k

Apart from its own nutrients that it provides, its also a chelating agent, it helps the plant uptake nutrients more efficiently while providing some of its own.

Certainly a beneficial product to be using.

Nice buds dude =)