Yep I should have some stink clones here shortly,I hope,,,, I hope.They're not showing sex yet but several of the others are showing.Had 1 chemo cindy that went hermi so I took it down last night.Pic's of her are in me journal if ya want to take a look. I'll let you or vic know on the stinky clones if I get females,Your more than welcome to some thats fer sure.
I have ta say those free leonord plants are the stinkest of them all.They been smellin like skunk since they where 3 weeks old.They really be stinkin now.I pulled 2 males of those out yesterday too.So far those are the shortest of the 4 strains I have going but that could change once they get to flowering.Think I'll start 12/12 on the w/c's and the c/c's next week and see what happens.Hopefully they turn out lookin as good as yers.