Obama says F you


New Member
We're so far beyond screwed that it'll take 100 million years for the light from screwed to reach us.

It doesn't matter who is in charge anymore.



Active Member
We're so far beyond screwed that it'll take 100 million years for the light from screwed to reach us.

It doesn't matter who is in charge anymore.

We are in charge now several of very good friends of mine are getting together the facts to stand up and speak for ourselves we are in charge now, the few over the many that is not the issue anymore now its the many over the few!!!! lol but this is serious we cannot be afraid anymore we are power we are we are we are! you will be hearing about us very soon!!!!:!:


Well-Known Member
The nation was drained of all its wealth when Bush took office and gave the surplus he inherited to Halliburton and Exxon.
:clap: they don't get it, bro. but there will be complaints if he does everything perfect. a very small segment has a loud voice. :peace:


Well-Known Member
Look, I am/was not a Bush supporter. I think he did massive damage to our liberties and economy. Now we have an administration that is going to/is attempt(ing) to spend us out of debt. Even my 15 year old daughter can't make that one work out in her head. The only solution is a viable third party. The people in charge now are not doing this nation any favors. How is 1.5 trillion of new debt in 45 days going to help our nation out of the "Bush debt"? Cussing people that are not of your ilk is not going to bring anyone to your point of view. Quite the opposite.

South Texas

Well-Known Member
V Redd outlined the main problem. Well said Vee. If the People remain small minded & separated on small minded issues, like "My Daddy is better than your Daddy" SHIT, we will CONTINUE to be mere Slaves for the Govenment. America, like Mexico, has every resource needed to remain debt free, a socially healthy Country. It's our elected officials that is determined to sell us out, and basically tells us to shut up while taking our hard earned money. It's going to get a lot worse before people wake up. Let the Oil Companies move out of the US, then the real party begins.


Active Member
gettin mad of our president?? sounds pretty dumb to me. just take a bong rip and stfu :]
Listen up!!!! everyone go to this website you guys want sources here you go read up on your sources and be prepared!!!!!!! We will all rise together we mus! or they will shoot us down and take away our rights, but it must be done before its too late!!!!

Infowars.com (go to it)! it doesnt take a genius to figure it uot and nor does it take a yale graduate to speak because that what they want you to believe!!!!!:!: