Watering Question


Active Member
Real quick question, when watering, do you recommend watering with regular pH balanced water, or do you recommend a percentage of that being Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide? I've heard both ways. The H2O2 provides the roots with more oxygen, mixing H2O2 in the H2O about 20% to 25%. Would It make a difference? Is it going to considerable help the plants? The adult plants are fairly healthy, Clones are rooting well, and the vegetatives are thriving.


New Member
Are you in soil or hydro?

First, take a look outside and observe what Mother Nature does ... and take it from there.



Active Member
Are you in soil or hydro?

First, take a look outside and observe what Mother Nature does ... and take it from there.

I never even thought of that. Good philosophy. hydro for the clones to root. Once the roots mature, i transplant them to soil.


Active Member
The Clones are doing really well with the hydro, only taking about 4 to 7 days for the roots to grow little hairs. There is a little bit of a shock transplanting to soil when the roots begin to take, but I make sure the soil is almost over hydrated for the first day after transplant. They recover nicely and root in the soil well. I don't have much room / funds to use soil for the clones. Hydro was a cheap n easy alternative. I Keep the clones in my office, under the florescent, until the roots begin to grow hairs. Then transplant to soil in the top chamber of my cabinet.