lots of talk about 700bn, what about the other 2.1 trillion of secret spending?


Well-Known Member
So the fed seems to be saying fuck you america, of the about 3 trillion spend in the bailout... 2.1 trillion is lend out to nobody knows, based on desicions by nobody knows... yet there only seems to be talk about the 700bn being spent now.

While the Fed refuses to say anything about where the other 2.1 tr is now..



Well-Known Member
So the fed seems to be saying fuck you america, of the about 3 trillion spend in the bailout... 2.1 trillion is lend out to nobody knows, based on desicions by nobody knows... yet there only seems to be talk about the 700bn being spent now.

While the Fed refuses to say anything about where the other 2.1 tr is now..

Was the legislation introduced to force the Fed to release that info?


Well-Known Member
Probably but with a little luck they will send in the IRS to tear the FED apart!! I would really Like to know where the profits go.


Well-Known Member
Probably but with a little luck they will send in the IRS to tear the FED apart!! I would really Like to know where the profits go.
Back to the member banks

The Federal Reserve is owned in part by the Federal Government, and by the member banks, which are the District Federal Reserve Banks, I think they are Houston, NY, LA, Atlanta, and Chicago. Not sure...


Well-Known Member
Back to the member banks

The Federal Reserve is owned in part by the Federal Government, and by the member banks, which are the District Federal Reserve Banks, I think they are Houston, NY, LA, Atlanta, and Chicago. Not sure...
there are 12 regional federal reserve banks
those banks are used to distribute money from the treasury(the fed dictates to the treasury how much money to print.the cost of the ink paper printing ect was about 3 cents per 100 bill.
that money is distributed to the regional banks.then loaned to other banks then loaned to the public.
all the money is issued into the economy as debt.there is never enough money in the economy to lay off the accumulated debt.
so more people must go further into debt to fuel the economy.hence a downward spiral untill the economy is broke off of this ponzi scheme.the government and federal reserve own everyones assets and property through debt.
everyone is beholding to them who has a loan with them or debt.
if you purchased a 150K dollars home and you owe a mortgage on that home .
the person you owe to actualy owns your property and assets .
what did it cost them to trade you paper money for the value of your 150K dollars home?
they purchased your home FOR REALS.
for 4.50 cents worth of in god we trust federal reserve notes.
pretty good scheme hu?
this ponzi scheme shit is not new.the founders had seen it before.
seems someone changed the constitution so they could run these schemes on the american public.


Well-Known Member
there are 12 regional federal reserve banks
those banks are used to distribute money from the treasury(the fed dictates to the treasury how much money to print.the cost of the ink paper printing ect was about 3 cents per 100 bill.
that money is distributed to the regional banks.then loaned to other banks then loaned to the public.
all the money is issued into the economy as debt.there is never enough money in the economy to lay off the accumulated debt.
so more people must go further into debt to fuel the economy.hence a downward spiral untill the economy is broke off of this ponzi scheme.the government and federal reserve own everyones assets and property through debt.
everyone is beholding to them who has a loan with them or debt.
if you purchased a 150K dollars home and you owe a mortgage on that home .
the person you owe to actualy owns your property and assets .
what did it cost them to trade you paper money for the value of your 150K dollars home?
they purchased your home FOR REALS.
for 4.50 cents worth of in god we trust federal reserve notes.
pretty good scheme hu?
this ponzi scheme shit is not new.the founders had seen it before.
seems someone changed the constitution so they could run these schemes on the american public.
of coarse they are sheming on us. does anyone find it wierd that of the last 109 years every, EVERY time we have elected a democrat majority to the house and senate, a recession follows... then a dem president follows and a bigger government with increased spending to "pull the economy through" and finally we re-elect conservatives who cut spending, and taxes and low and behold the recession goes back to normal. democrats cannot be elected if the nation is not in a panic over something...