Weed barons anonymous


Well-Known Member
I hereby proclaim that onthedl0008 has achieved weed baron status. As per bugsrnme's instructions. He will be a welcome addition to the baronhood
Id would have gladly accepted a baron's knight status. I myself know im not ready for the baronhood.
However, Im greatly dissapointed at the fact My name wasnt mentioned in a scroll like everyone elses.:finger: I dont need pitty baronhood but i will still boink someone's mom for a scroll. :lol:
I actually could see cartman saying touche'.

Weed Baron

Active Member
Dear Sirs,

I need to graciously ask that onthedloo8 please accept the Weed Barons apologies for there was a misunderstanding as to whom would present your official seal of Baron Hood.

Sir Bugsrnme requested that you be given title of Baron but in my haste to leave the country and having a newly appointed Baron I was led to believe that it would be taken care of. In my absence it has become very clear that there is only one true Weed Baron for the royal crown cannot afford the tarnish it has had been bestowed upon it these last few months.

It is hereby stated that Sir Bugrnme has been stripped of the honorary title and will have no further official duties.

Every Sir Baron has the right to address the Weed Baron's Court and present a worthy applicant for Baron Hood with the understanding that he puts his own Baron Hood at risk if his applicant is found unworthy. Sir Bugsrnme is aware of this law of Weed and the consequences of his actions.

I now pronounce you Sir onthedloo8 A true Weed Baron.

Good Day Sirs :finger:



Well-Known Member
Im am very sorry Weed Baroner but I cannot accept the title of Weed Baron at this time.
It is my reccomendation that any and all duties be fully restored back to Bugs including his rights to Baron Knight Ship.
I was under the impression that all Weed Baron's when presented the scroll of Baron Knight Hood would all have a seat at the Weed Baron's table.
I cannot be part of that kinda country.


Well-Known Member
Im am very sorry Weed Baroner but I cannot accept the title of Weed Baron at this time.
It is my reccomendation that any and all duties be fully restored back to Bugs including his rights to Baron Knight Ship.
I was under the impression that all Weed Baron's when presented the scroll of Baron Knight Hood would all have a seat at the Weed Baron's table.
I cannot be part of that kinda country.
You rock man . . .

Weed Baron

Active Member
Dear Sirs,

It has come to my attention that there is slander and rumors around the Kingdom of Weed in regards to the knighting of Sir onthedl0008and the rumor that Sir Bugsrnme has lost title and rank among the Baron Hood.

Sir Bugsrnme was given the Title Weed Baron for the sole purpose of directing and running the day to day operations of the Kingdom while I was away. When I heard word that Sir bugsrnme was not fulfilling his duties of Weed Baron (as evidence you did not receive your official seal to the Baron Hood) I boarded my ship and sailed back to sit at my rightful spot on the Throne of Weed.

onthedl0008 being a new member to the Baron Hood and since your Baron Hood sponsor Sir Bugsrnme neglected to advise you of the requirements I will once again explain. Once you have the Seal of Baron Hood you are a Baron for life unless you commit crimes against RIU or The Baron Hood itself in which then both you and your Baron sponsor will be banished from the Baron Hood.

My good man you and you Sponsor are of good standing although Sir Bugsrnme and I will have a chat about his defamation of the Throne.

Good Day Sirs :finger:


New Member
i got your throne right here hangin beyotch.....thanks for screwin me dl......refusing the title....now you made this tool come back, kick me out and take over. and your attempt at redemption a post or so ago that caused newgrowth to compliment you is too little too late. i will say it again. i am a weed baron. you should be stripped of your title and banned outright!!!

oh there we go...i felt a lil twinge. maybe that was my inner baron coming out. i govern differently than that facist tool and will not appologise for being awesome.

"weed baron".......suck it


Well-Known Member
i got your throne right here hangin beyotch.....thanks for screwin me dl......refusing the title....now you made this tool come back, kick me out and take over.

Bugs U r the one and only Weed Baron thats why I couldnt accept the Baron Hood at this time.

and your attempt at redemption a post or so ago that caused newgrowth to compliment you is too little too late.i will say it again. i am a weed baron. you should be stripped of your title and banned outright!!!

I only wanted knighthood. Not to take ur throne.

oh there we go...i felt a lil twinge. maybe that was my inner baron coming out. i govern differently than that facist tool and will not appologise for being awesome.

I dont think that was a Baron twinge bugs I think that right there was a case of Cartman's tourettes.

"weed baron".......suck it
Why cant all the Baron's just get along anyway.


New Member
if you dont even know the history behind the scandal then i truely have made a mistake and should not have abused my weed baron powers and inducted you. i guess i just abuse awthorataw


Well-Known Member
I guess then maybe u should revoke my rights to Weed Baron KnightHood Bugs.
And ban me altogether cause honestly i never really cared about a scandal or wanted to understand or be involved in any of it.


Active Member
I guess then maybe u should revoke my rights to Weed Baron KnightHood Bugs.
And ban me altogether cause honestly i never really cared about a scandal or wanted to understand or be involved in any of it.
SOMEONES BUTT HURT !!! First you want to be a Baron then you don't then you cry some more then this bugs character comes into play and you get even MORE butt hurt!

Someone needs a nap!


New Member
I guess then maybe u should revoke my rights to Weed Baron KnightHood Bugs.
And ban me altogether
cause honestly i never really cared about a scandal
say it aint so......:shock:
or wanted to understand or be involved in any of it.
well someone just sucked all the fun out of the room. it's a silly joke post on a silly joke thread.....try not to read to much into it. hell even the whole weed baron thing is just a big semi-inside joke for all the true fuctheads in the room. :hug:come here you:hug:

SOMEONES BUTT HURT !!! First you want to be a Baron then you don't then you cry some more then this bugs character comes into play and you get even MORE butt hurt!

Someone needs a nap!
be nice spar.....err, umm i mean phil:shock:


New Member
there are several new weed barons amoung us now. for fear of possible banishment i cannot go into detail.......but i just wanted to say welcome. we hear at the center strive to achieve better living through denial. welcome brothers and sisters