
Well-Known Member
That would work perfect, a 1000 watt would be better but a 400 would work great.


Active Member
I was thinking 400 or 600 so the heat wuoldn't be so intense bc I live in a suburb of a major CA city and I worry about cops w infrared in their helicopters.

in a related question... how to avoid flyovers? is it like a random thing or do the pigs fly over your house if they have a suspition..suspision.. that youre growing..i can't spell suspision u know...

I live on a top floor apt... that's what discourages me the most. If I lived on the bottom floor I wouldnt be so worried. any thoughts to ease my worries? :cry:


Active Member
That would work perfect, a 1000 watt would be better but a 400 would work great.
How do you get better than perfect?

BTW a 1000 watt bulb would require ALOT more ventilation to keep your closet from spontaniously combusting. Bigger isn't always better.


Well-Known Member
His question was will the light work, my response was yes it will work perfect.


Well-Known Member
600HPS all the way baby, not only it sucks less power then a 1000watter it also has more lummens per watt ratio
You could go that route also but take into consideration they dont make 600 watt metal halide bulbs so you couldnt buy a switchable one.


Well-Known Member
It would be tricky to get by with 400 watt set up in that big of an area. If you had to you would have to make sure all surfaces were coated with a reflective substance (white paint is the easiest and cheapest way to go). But that alone isn't going to solve the light problem.

Better off in the long run going with at the very least a 600 watt set up with some flouros for side ligthing. Just my opinion.


Well-Known Member
If u read carefully u can notice i said HPS not MH...Peace
If you would read carefully you would notice I said you wouldnt be able to buy a switchable ballast that would run both types of lights, because of the fact there isnt a 600MH, I never said anything about there not being a HPS600. Thanks.


Active Member
If you live in California you'll notice that there is a great deal of pollution around.

Be enviro friendly, you're on the top floor, stick some plants on the roof!