THE CFG CLUB(the club for growing under compact fluors!!!)


Well-Known Member
dude use an hps it will take only 1 week to get your 10" plants so you can flower, your making a club for a light bulb?

its just like making a club for those old ass floppy disks and using them when everyone else is burnin rubber using cd's :mrgreen:

umm be nice! its a resouce club


Well-Known Member
umm "Guest" i say that cause u were to lazy or scared to make an account. You are a stranger and a guest with 4 posts, some of the best HPS growers use CFL for side lighting or even for just getting the seedlings to sprout or veg, it saves money. You know nothing about HPS and CFL's


Well-Known Member
umm "Guest" i say that cause u were to lazy or scared to make an account. You are a stranger and a guest with 4 posts, some of the best HPS growers use CFL for side lighting or even for just getting the seedlings to sprout or veg, it saves money. You know nothing about HPS and CFL's

Thanks for backing us up SABUD:hump:


Well-Known Member
Greetings everyone,
Can I join the CFG, I use them all the time and have had good luck with them so far.
I also use HPS and MH.


Well-Known Member
Can I have your cfls when you upgrade to HPS, which will be the same day you say to yourself "i want more bud" or "I just spent 3 months doing this and all I got was a 1/4, wtf"


Well-Known Member
you can get good bud on the chep this setup only cost me £26 i usd 2X25w 2700k. 1X30w 4X20w clf and 1X40w ft 6500k. and grow 4 plants and got 9.2os dry. cfl are very good if you wont to grow on the chep or cant get rid of that heat. im thinking of starting a new cfl grow with 4 moor 25w 2700k and 2 moor 20w 6500k soon after iv set up my new 1000w hps grow room. iv bin smoking my w,w that i grow with cfl,s and it just as nice as the hps w,w


Well-Known Member
Hey Bori,
Just thought you might want this link to some cfl's.
They have a real cool 3 light setup.
SH Hydroponics
Good dudes, Have delt with them before.
why pay 200 for that setup when u can get those three bulbs from for 50 all together??? go to a and look under cfls 85 watt to 105 their the same bulbs


Active Member
except 1000bulbs doesn't carry flowering (2700-3000k) 105w bulbs *sigh!*..on the same note, does anyone know where you can get 105w 2700-3000k cfls for less than the $39 they charge at SH...or even better, a 150w 2700k..anywhere in the states (not ebay's jacked up $99 for one bulb either)?


Well-Known Member
except 1000bulbs doesn't carry flowering (2700-3000k) 105w bulbs *sigh!*..on the same note, does anyone know where you can get 105w 2700-3000k cfls for less than the $39 they charge at SH...or even better, a 150w 2700k..anywhere in the states (not ebay's jacked up $99 for one bulb either)?
ill be on the look out for u im always looking for cheap cfls


Active Member
Oh shit i never knew this worked! I was just about to splash out on some a 400w MH and a 400w HPS, but if i can do it this way, it make take longer - I am IN this club!

P.S, how much longer does it take?!

Dr High

Well-Known Member
hey guys. i got 8 cfls will that be alright for the end of my veg and the flowering stage?
i want to be in the team, cfgs grow on!


New Member
umm "Guest" i say that cause u were to lazy or scared to make an account. You are a stranger and a guest with 4 posts, some of the best HPS growers use CFL for side lighting or even for just getting the seedlings to sprout or veg, it saves money. You know nothing about HPS and CFL's
actually SAbud you know nothing about me or who I am. Everyone here knows me under a differnt name. I am now in stealth mode.