hahah that was hilarious man.. i agree,. the hps buds are looking way better more solid bigger.. cfl buds can appear kinda big but there all fluffy and hollow...ive been learning how to grow on cfls for 8 months or so but now that i got.. my galaxy lamp set up .. switchable dimmable.. it does 250 watts 175 or 150 perfect hobby grower light. i was thinking of how many 23 watt bulbs of cfl u would need to equal an hps 250 watt much higher lumen output....i think ude need like 18 or so .. so thats 9 y splitter outlets hanging around.... it seems easier just to super crop one nice tight top cola that weights like an ounce and keep it short and far enough away from hps.. im hoping with high wind in my grow cabinet i can dimm it to 150.. and have the ducting pulling the heat right off the bulb.. even though my exhaust isnt that strong but intakes sorta strong . and itll help blow the heat around..cfls get hot too and the ballasts are onboard so there keeps the 15 percent heat inside.. and they need to be replaced prob every year and a half at max.. so there not really any cheaper then hid. unless u got a cheap hid that breaks easilly