gettin pinched at yor parents house


Active Member
hey all, just wondering if anyone has been in this situation, as im thinking about gettin my shiz together but im at my parents house an im worried about gettin pinched any one experienced this ? arg de typo lol


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
respect your parents home and don'twh take a chance on having your parents end up in jail, loose their home and all THEY have worked for. just my thought. but what ever you decide good luck


Active Member
tis what is was thinking mygirls is well risky but they dont mind me doin it prolly prefer for me to grow than have to meet dicks who skank but the police have nothin much better to do tbh


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
tis what is was thinking mygirls is well risky but they dont mind me doin it prolly prefer for me to grow than have to meet dicks who skank but the police have nothin much better to do tbh
cool then if they don't mind at least you won't have to worry about parents just the fuzz. one less thig to stress over. :hump: good luck :weed: