5 Purple Chitral X Uzbeki Pure Indy Landrace and 1 BB X CC Grow Log


Well-Known Member
I am growing 5 Purple Chitral X Uzbeki Pure indica girls and 1 Blueberry X Cotton Candy girl. They are 12 days into flower (I count when first pistils show) and are doing amazing. They are already frosting up nicely and have a very nice sweet aroma. The Blueberry X Cotton candy( Blueberry X Afgan #1) is being grown in a 22 gallon rubbermaid by its self with 4 26 watt 3000k cfls. The 5 Purple Chitral X Uzbeki are being grown in a rubbermaid box made out of 2 30 gallon rubbermaids flipped on eachother with 4 42 watt warm white 3000k CFL's. Temps stay around 75ish and they are fed 2 tsp fox farm tiger bloom and approx 1 tsp mollasses every other watering. I will be upping to 3 tsp Tiger bloom next feeding. The BB X CC has been LST'd and trained to keep very low and bushy. The Purple Chitral X Uzbekis are growing free. They ahve not been tied down or trained in any way. The only thing I do is pinch leaves down so they dont block light from the main stalk. They showed lots of purpling when they were seedlings and young veg stage, however they dont have any purple color atm. They should start purpling up in a few more weeks. They are a true purple plant, meaning they dont require cold temps to turn purple. They are very frosty at just 12 days into flower. The 1st 4 pics are from various times during seedling/ early veg time when they showed most purpling. The rest are from today. The first 5 current pics are of the BB X CC. The rest after that are of the Purple Chitral X Uzbeki Enjoy the pics!!! I know I do!!!!:hug:

Anyone is welcome to post in my grow log. I welcome any feedback. Please feel free to post your mind.




Well-Known Member
girls are doing very well. THey are growing super fast and getting bushier and bushier every day. The lil buds are already rock hard. They are also getting frostyer and frostyer every day. I cant wait to see what they are going to be like when they are all the way done with there fat frosty purple buds.
Enjoy the pics
First 4 are the BB X CC and the rest are the Purple Chitrals




Active Member
damn ur ladies are fineee lol. U definetly got the credential to give advice, hope mine turn out half as good


Well-Known Member
The girls are doing great. Buds are starting to fill out nicely. Enjoy the pics




Well-Known Member
Well I thought I would show you what is to come. Here are some pictures of the parents buds. Tell me what yall think.


P.S. The hash was the dankest shit I have ever smoked.

The first 8 pictures are from the Parents harvest.

The other pics are not from the parents but are of the Purple Chitral and what they can turn into. These are some of the prettiest pictures of chronic I have ever seen. I can only pray I end up with buds as amazing as these. I dont know about the purple but I can tell you mine will be as frosty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Well-Known Member
Hey man your grow looks good keep it up, i was wondering if you could throw a few pics up of your setup i was just wondering what it looks like thanks and +rep for the cfl grow bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Girls are doing great
They continue to take shape and fill up. The pictures are not of the best quality...my cameral had one of its days where it decided to be a piece of shit and not take a decent picture for the life of it. 1st 3 pics are of the BB X CC and the rest are the chitrals. You cant tell in the pictures but two of the girls are starting to have some purpling going on!!!! Hopefully it will be apparent enough for next update to show on camera.


P.S. Does anyone know why For some damn reason I cant take a good picture for the life of me and other days every picture I take is amazing? I keep very still....it just seems some days my damn camera wont focus and it really pisses me off cuz there is no reason for it. I am definitly not a photographer so I have no clue. Anyone with photography knowledge who might know the problem plz lemme know so I can fix it.



Well-Known Member
Crap sry FishinDog, I forgot to take pics of the box. I will tomorow, the lady friend has my camera atm.

Take care friends,


Well-Known Member
My camera and I finally got along
They are really starting to take off and fill out...the biggest plants bud is about the size of a lighter and is rock hard. I just cant get over how frosty they are....I just get transfixed every time I look at em.
Enjoy the pics fellas.



Well-Known Member
wow man very nice grow. those are some amazing strains you have.

and that hash... hah it was fuckin purple.. looked like candy.

keep up the good work... ill be watchin this.

hah.. i like your stoned cat.