5 strains! Medi-bud, THC Bomb, Mango, SS Haze, J. Herer


Well-Known Member
thats a sick video my dude! i didnt know u got the spinnin lights thats sick! good job:clap::clap::clap:
oh yeah, the lights are workin pretty good. it's not as low as it could go but I'm really trying to get those plants to stretch a little. also, the hoods swing more the longer the chains are, lol. you can see the thread for https://www.rollitup.org/grow-room-design-setup/155955-wind-powered-rotating-dual-hid.html or all the videos http://www.youtube.com/onenumcat.
you can see these plants as little seedlings in many of those vids.:weed:


Well-Known Member
haha... actually im not high! ive never used the annotation thing. but now i know how.
I know, the first time was a real trip for me...I was high, lol. watching Youtube is fun, but posting vids is pretty entertaining. can't wait to post a vid of big, fat buds, swaying in the breeze.:weed:

anyway, thanks for adding some annotations florida.


Well-Known Member
here are, at least, one pic for each plant...I think, lol...:weed:
...and a few with two plants in one picture, haha



Well-Known Member
ok, I know it's nothing special(and nothing like what I'll be taking pics of in late April), but this is my first true bud ever produced. it's not very large, but it's hard as an alter boys buns! it's really starting to get sticky too...but not too smelly, yet.:weed:



Well-Known Member
very nice.. i love the variety of strains. how long they been on 12/12?
lookin good lookin good!
:hug:thanks fellers, lol. you make me feel all warm n fuzzy...or is it just my buzz?:bigjoint:

it's 1pm of day 12 to be exact, haha. I just checked the calendar. but I took 4 days to go from 13 1/2 to 12. I'm waiting 3 to 9 days for the LR2, then I'll have more space to get all those big planters centered under the lights better. that big ol bud, and a few good sized smaller buds from both LR2, should keep me satisfied for a few weeks while I wait for the Mango, JH and THCB to begin ripening.
all the lt. green areas at the ends and tops are new growth...it's exploding, as they get more even with the light. there was a short stretching period while the were absorbing the remaining 'veg' nutes and adjusting to the longer nights. that was expected. most internode lenghts are about 1-2cm, or a small finger joint length, apart. during the stretching period, some internodes got to be 4-5cm, but not too many. now, every plant has good side branch growth, and many have branches on the side branches, lol:weed:
this is gonna be a really good grow(I hope...I know!)
the next grow, maybe as early as August, will be similar, but more strains...(maybe up to 10!), with fewer plants per strain, lol, except, probably, JH, since I have a dozen of those, still! the extra strains, and the lovely, LR2, as I'm out now, so I'm real glad to get them...cuz, if I'm out of bud, the LR2 will give me some quick buds and I won't rape the other growing plants, lol...anyway, the extra seeds are thanks to a kool RIU member who is making a seed swap with me...he can speak up and say who he is, if he likes...thanks again amigo!

this is the tallest one, thcbomb, about 40cm...and I topped it today...it's way taller than the rest...and very mature!



Well-Known Member
thats probly gonna be the best youve ever smoked cause its your first homegrown bud.
lol, I know, man...I can't believe how many really good seeds/plants I screwed up before...ha, even this time, I wasted a lot of seeds, at least a dozen premium seeds, germinated, but got 'bungled' somehow, before even being sowed. I stink! but I know these buds, this time, are gonna really stink!:clap::clap::clap::weed::clap::clap::clap:

alright...just one more...



Well-Known Member
lol, I know, man...I can't believe how many really good seeds/plants I screwed up before...ha, even this time, I wasted a lot of seeds, at least a dozen premium seeds, germinated, but got 'bungled' somehow, before even being sowed. I stink! but I know these buds, this time, are gonna really stink!:clap::clap::clap::weed::clap::clap::clap:

alright...just one more...
very nice very nice! we learn from our mistakes


Well-Known Member
awesome brother..that is a great ratio! your THC bomb looks lovely..cant wait to get my grows going..I think i decided in the next week or so to go ahead and put a few LR2's outside before i go on my trip..gettting some bud in 8-10 weeks will be nice..plus i am interested to see how the LR2's do outside..maybe they will get a lil bigger..also i am going to put out about 3..that way if i get a male i can pollinate one of the females for seed...never can have enough good seed :-)


Well-Known Member
awesome brother..that is a great ratio! your THC bomb looks lovely..cant wait to get my grows going..I think i decided in the next week or so to go ahead and put a few LR2's outside before i go on my trip..gettting some bud in 8-10 weeks will be nice..plus i am interested to see how the LR2's do outside..maybe they will get a lil bigger..also i am going to put out about 3..that way if i get a male i can pollinate one of the females for seed...never can have enough good seed :-)
oh yeah, my friend! it's great...so far, it's about 80%. still no sign, at all, from the SSH...been 12 days, haha. but, if they all come in as female, that would be well over 90%!!!!! but, I'm kinda hoping for a male. wouldn't mind crossing some haze into any of the other strains...but, by my reasoning...if there was gonna be any, more, males, they'd have shown themselves by now. imo.
does any1 know? pure/high sativas take longer to show their sex?? anyway, I betting all females.

I checked out that link, florida. awesome buds...and lots of it, for only four plants. if that guy got +200g, I bet I'll get x10 that amount, by mid June(2 kg!). mine will be harvested little by little cuz they all finish at different times. I hope I don't have to wait 14 weeks for my SSH, but, I did take that into consideration on my harvest calendar(click it!). well, actually, it's set for a max of 13wks. all the info I have says +10wks, wtf. but I know those are estimates...for a pro, with top quality equip.
not a 2x failure, amature, with duct taped n baleing wired equipment, LOL. but the Mango and JH are listed to take from 6&7 wks to 10 wks...that is a huge window!! also, I think, because, my home is also my office and clients sometimes come here, I will be water curing a large percent of my buds, so I'll lose some weight there. a great portion of the JH is planned to be sold, so it will air dry/cure.

Here is that link, for any1 who'd like to see some awesome photos of pure bud porn!

anyway, I don't see how there could be a problem for me, between now and harvest.
seems like I have any watering problems solved, ie; overwatering/underwatering, Ph, nutes. no lighting problems...unless the lights stop revolving(somehow, like the fan breaks, but I'm in the room constantly throughout the day), at about a foot from the canopy, my plants would be totally roasted(!), or the plants grow into them...same thing...I'm in the room many times a day, so I doubt that would happen.
seems my most likely problems would be, desiese or infestation. but also, it seems those problems would have to come from the outside. I don't visit any other gardens or vegetative areas...or even travel outside much...it's still winter here, it's the longest season of the year, followed by summer...spring n autumn are fairly short seasons here, in northern Japan.
What do you guys think? What should I look out for, trouble wise??:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
im with you about the males... if there were any in the SSH it probly would have shown by now. yes pure/high sativas always take a long time to show sex and a long time to flower, but its worth the wait.

yea you should have a great harvest with all those plants going. the Haze gonna take a while, be patient, the rewards will be well worth it.

you shouldent have any problems. just keep checking them real good everyday and taking good care of them and catch any problems in the beggining, if they occur. and remember less is more with the nutes.


Well-Known Member
very nice very nice! we learn from our mistakes
LOL, I guess it just took me more mistakes and more time to make em to learn from em. :wall: ;-) :bigjoint:
...your THC bomb looks lovely..cant wait to get my grows going..I think i decided in the next week or so to go ahead and put a few LR2's outside before i go on my trip..gettting some bud in 8-10 weeks will be nice..plus i am interested to see how the LR2's do outside..maybe they will get a lil bigger..also i am going to put out about 3..that way if i get a male...
oh yes, that THCB will probably be the first to harvest, then I can let the other two, one was topped a long time ago and the other one is LST'd, I can let them go for much longer. that one you're talkin 'bout was just topped the same day as the pic, cuz its about to grow past the level of the lights, hoods, and I don't want to raise the light yet. the lights are at the perfect height right now to promote horizontal growth...it seems.
I've heard of outdoor LR2's gettin as much as 40g each...good luck. you'll get at least +30g each, I bet. if you get some seeds, you be sure to let me know...;-)
im with you about the males... if there were any in the SSH it probly would have shown by now. yes pure/high sativas always take a long time to show sex and a long time to flower, but its worth the wait.

yea you should have a great harvest with all those plants going. the Haze gonna take a while, be patient, the rewards will be well worth it.

you shouldent have any problems. just keep checking them real good everyday and taking good care of them and catch any problems in the beggining, if they occur. and remember less is more with the nutes.
:blsmoke:yeah, I agree 100% with what you're saying:eyesmoke:

actually, one of the koolest things about how I set up the sowing/harvesting, is that for each plant/s I harvest along the way, will make more space and light available for the others
so, just as I'm running out of grow space, I'll harvest a plant, then a few more, then more, then mostly all,
then...wait for just the few SSH, which should be huge by then, LOL!:eyesmoke::bigjoint::lol::weed::cool:

These pics are dedicated to you boys, lol.

A close-up of my one, LR2, main cola.

This crazy lil JH, LST'd, so would probably stand 1 foot and a half tall(50cm), just growin like mad!

Just another view of that JH...it's also getting super cropped...just pinch n bend!

And another, lol.

JH, LST and Super cropping, the works...I'll probably harvest these last(ish), and possibly regenerate them, revegitate them.

Inside the lettuce like Mango. she's lookin so sweet, internodes about a cm apart, with so many side branches!

Looks totally different with a different color light! running dual HID, MH and HPS, with circular light mover is awesome...not to toot my own horn, ha!

A big Medibud, see my foot, I wear a 9 1/2 shoe(or size 26.5).

The biggest SSH. ain't she a sweet one?!:bigjoint:

Two Medibuds and two Mangos. Yummy!:blsmoke:

right, foreground, super cropped, LST'd, THCB, clockwise, same thing, but Medibud, then that big SSH, lettuce Mango, and a scraggly JH, lol.

last one...some Poppies, opium producing type. these will probably be ready by the end of MJ harvest, but I may have to finish them in the closet. they veg at 12/12 and flower at 18-20/6-4, lol
I'll only be keeping a few, cuz they came in a mix pack, about 10 different strains, so I don't know yet which is which. I only need one of each strain. they produce many flowers each.:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
your plants are looking great! yeah I agree with you and florida..if they haven't shown any balls yet..more than likely you are going to have a female..we shall all hope so..although I also agree it is nice to get some good seeds out of a grow..like SSH x JH..or SSH x Mango..those would be my choices..and or SSH x LR2 might produce some interesting seeds..


Well-Known Member
the are lookin really happy. great job.

i see some type of little plant growing in the right side of pic 3. kinda looks like a poppy.

poppies are sooo hard to grow, ive tried and failed many times. ive tried them outdoor, indoor, and in hydro with no luck. hopefully youll have better luck.


Well-Known Member
daam poppies too thats whats up! good luck 4real. that lr2 look sick as hell:-P how do they taste?

These pics are dedicated to you boys, lol.

A close-up of my one, LR2, main cola.

This crazy lil JH, LST'd, so would probably stand 1 foot and a half tall(50cm), just growin like mad!

Just another view of that JH...it's also getting super cropped...just pinch n bend!

And another, lol.

JH, LST and Super cropping, the works...I'll probably harvest these last(ish), and possibly regenerate them, revegitate them.

Inside the lettuce like Mango. she's lookin so sweet, internodes about a cm apart, with so many side branches!

Looks totally different with a different color light! running dual HID, MH and HPS, with circular light mover is awesome...not to toot my own horn, ha!

A big Medibud, see my foot, I wear a 9 1/2 shoe(or size 26.5).

The biggest SSH. ain't she a sweet one?!:bigjoint:

Two Medibuds and two Mangos. Yummy!:blsmoke:

right, foreground, super cropped, LST'd, THCB, clockwise, same thing, but Medibud, then that big SSH, lettuce Mango, and a scraggly JH, lol.

last one...some Poppies, opium producing type. these will probably be ready by the end of MJ harvest, but I may have to finish them in the closet. they veg at 12/12 and flower at 18-20/6-4, lol
I'll only be keeping a few, cuz they came in a mix pack, about 10 different strains, so I don't know yet which is which. I only need one of each strain. they produce many flowers each.:eyesmoke:[/QUOTE]