shit man, i have been watering every 2 hours. i wonder if i made a mistake with the rockwool on top of coco, being that the coco will drain quick and the rock wool will not??
I never messed wit coco before... but the rock wool... oh yea! Take a rockwool and just dip the corner of it in the water for a couple seconds and notice how much it sucks up... But the fan leaves will droop if it's over watered, you seem fine for now, it's just a good check to keep in mind. I would water once during lights on, and half way through so if need be so the RW stay saturated during the lights on...
I would just take an empty RW cube and water it with the plants and keep an eye on it's weight... they only have to be dampy moist... not soaking... That should help keeping them stationary and not risk root damage.
But hey, I'm now coverted back to soil... water every 2-3day... what can I say, I'm lazy!
Your doin great man... keep it up and don't worry to much about it... it's a weed, it'll grow in the craziest ways, places, and elements.