Arjan's Haze


Active Member
Just ordered his Ultra Haze #2 and also some Vicious Kush. I have researched and the ultra #2 has the highest thc and CBD, and possibly CBN. It has insane yields i just hope everything goes smoothly for this being my 1st grow


Well-Known Member
I have been in flower with Arjans Ultra Haze 2 for 8 weeks now and they have been nothing but great to me. Ordered from The Attitude Seeds of course Greenhouse. They've been under 1000w combined with 1 400w Hortilux blue daylight bulb and a 600w shps ES Hortilux bulb housed in 1 hood the Growzilla by Hydrofarm. Tallest 1 is over 6 feet and the rest range down to about 3 feet, vegged for 32 days all of them. Ballast is a Sun System 7 dual spectrum 1000w ballast. Started in 5 gallon buckets in FFOF and I have been using the full Earth Juice line along with some Molasses and thanks to the hydro guy he hooked me up with some 3 quarts of some roots organics that ill be trying for next feeeding, in conjunction with the EJ. Ill post some pics, Arjans Ultra Haze #2. This is all ORGANIC, 5 AUH plants under 1000w. plus some 3 power skunk. 1st pic is of the Haze center and to the left the little baby rite there just went into flower days ago. PS in the back. 2nd pic is Haze rite in the middle. 3rd pic is the 1 biggest Haze straight fatty cola and a decent PS next to it.. Last is of the 2nd to biggest cola from the Ultra Haze 2 nice and nugged up. Mind you I still have about 8 weeks left of flowering!!!!


Green Dave

Well-Known Member
Im growing Arjan haze#2 hoping to put it outside this spring if it dosnt get to big before then
Hoping for a lot of great smoke


Well-Known Member
Im sure youll have much success your giving them exactly what they want a glass roof.

It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
Heres some updated pics of the Haze 2. Taken today and they are now 60 days in flower.
This is an old thread and you have kind of hijacked it. Do you have a grow journal? Those plants look awsome. You say 16 weeks total? When you check your trich's do you wait for them to get cloudy or do you wait til they start to turn amber? I was looking onto growing some Haze of some sort next winter (I only grow in the winter). Have you tried any other Haze? Keep up the good work and if you don't have your own journal then keep us posted here....


Well-Known Member
Ill be creating a journal soon I just wanted to make a journal and put it out there no waiting. I have not yet got to try any other Haze, but I did just plant 2 of 5 Super Lemon Haze and some alaskan Ice that is haze and white widow cross. I havent figured out what I like so Ill be doing probably half at amber and half at cloudy. Oh I had no intention of Hijacking I was only posting to let everyone I do know a little about these plants. Im only posting and here to help. Thanks Guys and girls. HAZE2

It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
I have read some bad reviews on the Alaskan Ice. Mr West grew one out and it looked pathetic. Some others have chimed in on his thread and said the same thing. I would plant something else along with it just in case it turns out to be a shit plant.... When you start your thread don't forget to put a link to it in here so we can find it....


Well-Known Member
I dont know how to add the link. ?? I have the Alaskan Ice going with some blueberry and some Ultra haze, super lemon haze, Diesel. Those all are being vegged rite now.


Well-Known Member
does anyone know if all of his haze strains are very tall? What about the super silver? Is there one thats known to be shorter?


Active Member
I'm currently growing 2 Arjan's Haze #1 and they are looking really good. About 70 days into flower and they are very sticky and hazey smelling. Never grown them before, but I've noticed that they are very picky plants. They LOVE Nitrogen even in late flower, it seems. They also fox tail real easy with high light intensity.

I've managed to keep mine pretty short (about 3 1/2 ft) with about 8 heads each and they are big yeilders. I kept them short by supercropping because I only have 5' 9" to work with. So far I'm liking them. They should be ready for harvest in a couple weeks.
I am growing four of his haze #1's outside and im wondering if i should top them? Im kinda worried they will be too tall outside and i wont be able to tie them to anything but tree tops haha. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
awesome i grew out arjans haze #2, yielded a pound in a 10 gal smart pot.
big bloomers and super hairy, so much so that it almost didnt look like bud..


bump. Who else has had experience with the Arjan Haze line up? I watched the youtube vids and am very interested in them! Right now I only have a 400w setup. Is the Arjan's Haze 3 as potent as #1?? I want the best tasting, most potent one. I will switch to 600 sometime in the summer.
Mine is now over 11ft tall. No shit! About at its midway flowering point..I think. Outdoor; existing soil amended with perlite and peat. Used "Grow More" products for the whole grow. Finishing with "hula bloom". A freaking monster!