Hemp Depot? anyone used this site?


So my brother in law shows me this site with printable forms and a SHItt load of rare strains that almost seem to good to be true for good prices. I know nothing about this site but it looks good and I am wondering if anyone has any experience with it.
yeah, I've ordered a couple of times now as he's the only place you can get Reeferman's seeds and a few other ones like
TGA and Cannacopia. Superb service, highly recommended.
HempDepot is very reliable and has quality breeders! I have used them several times. Never an issue. Some of the prices are not the best but some are super good as well! They dont send the beans in breeders packs but Im sure I got what I ordered. My Joey Weed BlueberryXCindy99 is a very high quality strain. Everyone loves it! They dont have Master Thai genetics anymore but my Love Stick# 3 I got a year ago is also top quality. I just recieved North American Chemo, TGA Jack the Ripper and Cannacopia Bubbas KushX DC. Took about 2 weeks to the states. Peace Out!
only place you can get Joey Weed man. Customer service is beyond amazing. I recommend them highly. Ah, the stealth is a little too stealth sometimes (I almost threw away my whole order..)
I have Ordered from them before and they are top notch. Like someone said in previous post some of there prices are not the best but some of the other ones are good. Can not go wrong with Joey Weed but i have heard the Sugar berry from him is not that great, i have personally grown Joey's Nl and Cannacopias Magnum from Hemp Depot and both are nice.
See, I have heard only bad things about them which is weird.

Well you probably should speak from experience, not what you hear.

Their customer service is awesome, prices are great. You can't go wrong.

Hey WHULK..how that dorm room grow go bud? Hulk...RAAAAAH! Ever find those seeds you dropped in the carpet?
Well considering they have no store, won't take a credit card but somehow charge you tax on your order fuck them. Thats bullshit, I actually looked up the company to see who it was registered too.....suprise suprise no one. They are ripping you people off, you should not be paying tax, they are just keeping it.
its not legal for them to ship them but they most likely will anyhow, i've never read a bad word said about hemp depot, they come the highest recommended on the independent seed review for service, but if you can buy those seeds anywhere else they will most likely be half the price, only the lesser spotted ones like joey weed and whatever are worth a purchase, they got serious seeds ak 47 going at 200+ dollars, shouldn't be any more than about 120
which is why you only would use HD for rare strains exclusively on their site.
SO basically they are good for some of the more rare strains out there. Well thanks everyone for the input cause I was slightly sketched out by them but I might look into some grapefruit I saw on there somewhere cause I have not seen that anywhere else honestly.:blsmoke:
Yeah, Hemp Depot is great. I think they ship from around Toronto, so keep that in mind if you are ordering from the west coast. Took 2 weeks to get my order from Michigan.

I’ve used them before, recently ordered again and 30 days later, no package and no response or anything from them. Save your money and look else where.. unless you like donating.
I’ve used them before, recently ordered again and 30 days later, no package and no response or anything from them. Save your money and look else where.. unless you like donating.
Nice first post there, totally believable! I've used HD many times and I'm in Australia, never had an issue and Brad is very easy to deal with. Maybe your order got nabbed and you were being a dick about it so Brad decided not to answer you until you speak nicely?