what do us oregon medical patient think


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
just watching my news and it sounds like only here in oregon they want to take our growing away from us. they want to be able to distribute it themselves. they say to many are taking advantage of it here. :spew:whats your thoughts on this. do you all think it will come down to that. i hope not. hell if its all about money to them hell i'll pay $1000 dollars a year instead of $300 a year.:hump:


Well-Known Member
just watching my news and it sounds like only here in oregon they want to take our growing away from us. they want to be able to distribute it themselves. they say to many are taking advantage of it here. :spew:whats your thoughts on this. do you all think it will come down to that. i hope not. hell if its all about money to them hell i'll $1000 dollars a year instead of$3oo a year.:hump:
It's absolutely about the $$$$$$$$....and control. The majority of this country voted for what is happening in Oregon. It's called Socialism. As "he" (B. Husein Obama) said, spread the wealth and pay for everything to the government so we can help everyone who won't help themselves. He can only pay what he gets...and he gets it from us. Sorry, but I'm not a happy constituent...can you tell :lol:. This country is well on it's way to socialism thanks to the uninformed "I want to be given everything I want, and don't make me earn it" voters. Ye reap what ye sow. Unfortunately, you and I may not be able to reap what WE sow...even for our own use. Look what is happening with tobacco, soon to be over $7.00 a pack. I don't smoke, but it shows you what's coming down the pike. Marijuana, if legalized, will not be cheaper (cost wise...the taxes will prove that), but weaker (potency wise) because of control. Sorry to rant on your thread mygirls :-?.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
hell no don't be sorry. im with you on that. its all about control and they want it. every time we turn around their taking something away from us. shit now their even talking about charging a fee to ride your bikes on any highway here if your 18 or older. a $55 dollar bike registration fee every 2 years. first they encourage us to ride our bikes when gas was at a high. then they see how many bikes were on the road ways and thought ah we can make some money off this. i myself i may be wrong for thinking this way but they really need to claim marshal law for 30 days and thin out the population. hell i don't no i'm just so sick and tired of our government in every way it makes me sick. i don't get into all the political bullshit either. their going to do and take what they want no matter what the people have to say.


Active Member
Sure would take all of the fun and hobby aspects of growing for yourself out of the equation wouldn't it? In theory i agree that "full legalization" is a good idea, and would be willing to pay taxes for the product, but in practice, i cant see how the state of Oregon would be able to start so many weed factories all over the state? Who would be the suppliers, and how would they be regulated? Also, the hundred bucks an ounce seems a bit steep perhaps. Im with you though.....if it is about money only (which i doubt), then just charge more for the cards on an annual basis, and not more for the finished product, which would just take medicine out of the hands of needy patients. From a caregiver perspective, it sounds like a disaster waiting to happen.
By the way, if you think our country is headed for socialism, you could count your blessings, as the tenets of democratic socialism are successfully practiced in many countries around the world who are doing far better socially and economically than ourselves. Also, we here in Oregon can thank Mr. Obama for getting the FEDs off of our backs, and supporting the rights of medical cannabis patients. Frankly i find the comments of Jarhead to be nothing more than a response to the fear that is rampannt in our closed-minded society. Maybe it is time we all evolve past that kind of thinking?


Well-Known Member
Sure would take all of the fun and hobby aspects of growing for yourself out of the equation wouldn't it? In theory i agree that "full legalization" is a good idea, and would be willing to pay taxes for the product, but in practice, i cant see how the state of Oregon would be able to start so many weed factories all over the state? Who would be the suppliers, and how would they be regulated? Also, the hundred bucks an ounce seems a bit steep perhaps. Im with you though.....if it is about money only (which i doubt), then just charge more for the cards on an annual basis, and not more for the finished product, which would just take medicine out of the hands of needy patients. From a caregiver perspective, it sounds like a disaster waiting to happen.
By the way, if you think our country is headed for socialism, you could count your blessings, as the tenets of democratic socialism are successfully practiced in many countries around the world who are doing far better socially and economically than ourselves. Also, we here in Oregon can thank Mr. Obama for getting the FEDs off of our backs, and supporting the rights of medical cannabis patients. Frankly i find the comments of Jarhead to be nothing more than a response to the fear that is rampannt in our closed-minded society. Maybe it is time we all evolve past that kind of thinking?
There are several huge farms that are already subsidized by our government to grow "hemp". For rope and other uses of course---Yeah, uh huh, suuuuure. I believe you have drank a little too much koolaid my friend. I'm not a reactionist as you imply, but rather a concerned conservative that sees what our country was founded on going down to your socialist propaganda spewers. I strongly agree with capitalism at it's core for growth by those who wish to work hard to get ahead, not have someone else do it and supply me with what THEY think I should have. I want you to NAME a country in socialism that has , as you put it, done so well economically better than we. Their governments?--YES. Their people...just ask them. I think YOU should do more homework & less spewing liberal propaganda. And read what I said again, it is CONTROL over you and me as well as our money they want. And lastly, you think Hussein was THE person who got the FED off your backs regarding medical use marijuana...I think you should look at your last vote to find that you, the people did that, not the messiah. And you're damn right my words are from fear, I'm afraid MY country is falling to social communism, there is no such thing as "democratic" socialism. Just my belief and I'd appreciate your understanding of MY thoughts as I do with yours---thoughts that I believe are wrong, but understand where they come from...let's agree to disagree. 'Nuff said...and move on with our grows.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
they are saying that the state of OREGON wants to eliminate all the medical growers and the stale wants to grow and distribute it to us. we the grower are saying that it costs us 75 dollars an oz to grow and when and if the state get their greedy little paws in it deeper then what it is, they well charge 300 dollars an oz. its all because they (the state) say that their is to much dealing going on here and the fat fuck on the new said, we (the state) should be making the money on this not the medical users. will i got news for them their is way more illegal growing going on in this state like many other states that are growing and sealing. this is bullshit and don't want this taken away from use. well if this happens i'll be moving back to cali.


Well-Known Member
they are saying that the state of OREGON wants to eliminate all the medical growers and the stale wants to grow and distribute it to us. we the grower are saying that it costs us 75 dollars an oz to grow and when and if the state get their greedy little paws in it deeper then what it is, they well charge 300 dollars an oz. its all because they (the state) say that their is to much dealing going on here and the fat fuck on the new said, we (the state) should be making the money on this not the medical users. will i got news for them their is way more illegal growing going on in this state like many other states that are growing and sealing. this is bullshit and don't want this taken away from use. well if this happens i'll be moving back to cali.
That suqs big time mygirls. Stealth may be the only way to go soon, regardless of medical needs. Typical, so typical. "What else can we control and tax?". Keep on keepin' on bro :bigjoint:. GL with that state. Michigan just allowed medi USE but not grow....yet.


Well-Known Member
Here is what I dont understand for the people making money... I understand that many states have lax laws, especially Pac. NW. But once you get over 99 plants it is a Federal issue...soooooo, why do growers prefer that area of the country, which is under the same federal laws as the rest, when they are only selling an LB for $2k, when places like the South East can easily sell a LB for $5200-6k?

I am very curious. If you can be safe in Cali, you can be safe anywhere and make 2x as much... Also, energy is much cheaper in other parts of the country.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
Here is what I dont understand for the people making money... I understand that many states have lax laws, especially Pac. NW. But once you get over 99 plants it is a Federal issue...soooooo, why do growers prefer that area of the country, which is under the same federal laws as the rest, when they are only selling an LB for $2k, when places like the South East can easily sell a LB for $5200-6k?

I am very curious. If you can be safe in Cali, you can be safe anywhere and make 2x as much... Also, energy is much cheaper in other parts of the country.
bcuz cali has not yet and hopfullynotdo what oregon is tryingto do. take our growing away from use and the state sell us our medication.:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
bcuz cali has not yet and hopfullynotdo what oregon is tryingto do. take our growing away from use and the state sell us our medication.:bigjoint:

That is what I am saying. Yalls "legal growing" is 6 plants... But most of the guy in that area, who are there for the cash crop, are in Federal jurisdiction with 99+ plants... So, why would want to only make 1/2 the money for just as much risk? A grower in around here has just as much risk, 1/4 the power bill and sell elbows for $5200 minimum.

Alot of the bud most of the dealers have around here have right now is the last little bit from Cali's 08 outdoor season... If that tells you the demand for home grown around here. I am loving the 3.5 cent/ KWH around here!


Well-Known Member
mygirls, has the Oregon House written up any type of documentation on the distribution/tax/etc of marijuana? In my eyes, the biggest thing standing between legalization is making sure the government gets their cut through regulation. BUT that is one hell of infrastructure to put into place. Imagine if we were still under prohibition to this day, and there were no major breweries... How hard would it be for a Budweiser to appear and the US to regulate it? VERY HARD! As much as I want is legalized, I just do not see it "snapping" into our economy or legal system like is a lego or something...and that sucks!


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
ya theres one behinde me who has 200 plants and hes medical, and it pisses me off cuz these are the growers who are haveing this happen to oregon. i run one 400wtt mh 18/6 and my 1000wtt hps and i pay $7.25 a day.


Well-Known Member
just watching my news and it sounds like only here in oregon they want to take our growing away from us. they want to be able to distribute it themselves. they say to many are taking advantage of it here. :spew:whats your thoughts on this. do you all think it will come down to that. i hope not. hell if its all about money to them hell i'll pay $1000 dollars a year instead of $300 a year.:hump:
hey, you all are making money at this. give it to us NOW!!!!!!! hahhahhaha, figures.

overgrow the government. :leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:


Well-Known Member
ya theres one behinde me who has 200 plants and hes medical, and it pisses me off cuz these are the growers who are haveing this happen to oregon. i run one 400wtt mh 18/6 and my 1000wtt hps and i pay $7.25 a day.

Yea dude, I hear ya. Too many people in Cali and yalls area are "over-doing" it, and in my eyes, this is slowing the legalization process.

Too many people are taking advantage of this boom, and not doing it morally. In turn, this is hurting the guys who want to use it like it should be used.

Just be glad yall have laws! Anything over 2 grams gets you a ride here!


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
hey, you all are making money at this. give it to us NOW!!!!!!! hahahaha, figures.

overgrow the government. :leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:
ya i wish. we can only say that we can't over grow the government but we sure the HELL can grow a lot danker weed then them.:bigjoint::-P


Active Member
Hey I'm in Oregon too. About to try to get my medical approved...can anyone offer some advice? I have chronic pain in my wrists and knee pain- some from previous jobs some from current. Haven't been to a doctor in a while but I finally have got some health insurance!! Hooray, Dr & Dentist, LOL. Well, please help!


Well-Known Member
This constant attempt by our government to regulate and control every facet of our lives is getting really old. My hope is this sort of crap gets shelved. You guys are going to have to stay vigilant and then make sure that the politicians that propose such crap are held accountable come election time.


Well-Known Member
hello everyone! i am a new ommp patient and am in need of help. is there anyone here from oregon that might be able to help me? and i am with you guys on the topic 110% they should just leave us be.