over watering??? pics


Well-Known Member
i was flooding every two hours and i think im drowning my plants. any advice?
Way to much water until you have a well established root system. you could probably get away with watering once every day or two max. Make sure your not flooding the rockwool cubes at all. Your flood level should never go as high as your cubes. Looks like you have some serious algae going on. The cubes are way over saturated, not allowing enough o2 to the roots. Let them dry out, get some air movement, and maybe add some h202 to your res. I would also loose the foil.


Active Member
Yea man,

Just get those things aired out a bit. Dont water them at all again untill they perk back up. Mine did the same thing on two occasions. Another thing you might want to watch is nutes. If your using any at all i would reccomend extremely dilute concentrations. good luck.


Well-Known Member
running 150 ppm. i hope its just a overwater prob. im thinking of spraying peroxide onto the tops of the rockwool cubes to kill the algae???


Well-Known Member
i took off all the foil and i sprayed the tops of two of the cubes with straight peroxide. 3% . i will check later to see how they are doing and maybe get some more pics.


Well-Known Member
well this is from 300 pm. the plants dont look any worse.

the cubes are still moist so i havent watered since noon yesterday.

how long do you think i should wait to water again?


Well-Known Member
well this is from 300 pm. the plants dont look any worse.

the cubes are still moist so i havent watered since noon yesterday.

how long do you think i should wait to water again?
Hard to tell without feeling the cubes. If you think they still feel damp, you can go awile longer. They will let you know when they get thirsty.
How far up are you flooding? You should try and keep the level about a 1/2 below the cubes, and avoid any top watering.


Well-Known Member
okay but they are sitting on coco. will the coco have enough water for the rw cubes?
The coco should absorb and retain plenty of water. The rock wool cubes sitting on the coco should suck the water up like a sponge. Once the plants have a good root structure formed down in the coco, you can probably lower your flood level even more, keeping the cubes damp, just feeding the roots down in the coco.


Active Member
yea man definately hold out on watering atleast until the plats have rejuvinated themselves. Are you growing with hydro or soil?


Well-Known Member
I think the mossy mat in the background pot is kind of a clue!! You got a mo-fuck'n swamp going on there.. great for water lilies, not so much for MJ..


Well-Known Member
so i set the plants for a once daily watering at 8 am. today i checked and my timer was malfunctioning so i top watered them. i think theyre getting better.