1 week left of flowering - Shade Leaves


Well-Known Member
Do you think it would be better if I cut off all/ or most of the shade leaves, just to leave the buds in the plant so the last week could get as much light as possible to inhance the buds?



Well-Known Member
my word is no. i wouldn't cut them to save my soul; they are the solar panels supplying energy to metabolize nutes. your flowers gain the most wait in the final weeks, why would you want to deprive it during that time?



Well-Known Member
my word is no. i wouldn't cut them to save my soul; they are the solar panels supplying energy to metabolize nutes. your flowers gain the most wait in the final weeks, why would you want to deprive it during that time?

sounds like a pretty convincing no.


Well-Known Member
wow, you can tell i'm back on pills; i spelled ''weight'' as "wait"..... lol

no prob sweetie, havent seen you on the other site in a while, you doing ok?


Well-Known Member
yeah im actually flushing right now.
harvesting the top half in about a week :D
I'd take pics but I dont have a camera.


Uses the Rollitup profile
Well, KP is right, and that's just what I usually say about removing leaves.

But you said "the last week."

During the last couple of weeks of flowering, I remove the main stem fan leaves, just the largest fan leaves growing off the main stem under the branches. I start on the lower nodes, with 2 weeks to go I remove the lower third of the plant, and with 1 week to go I remove the middle third of the plant. Just the main stem fan leaves, no other leaves on any branches or buds.

Apparently, this causes the plant to ripen nicely. I first heard it in a talk given by Mike Corral of WAMM. He said it kept the plant from putting out that wierd new vegetative growth late in flowering, and I've found that to be true.

HTH :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Is it true that you can uproot the whole plant and put it in a bowl of boiling water for five minutes and it sends sll of the THC through the stems into the bud?