I think nothing is gonna be done until we stand up and do something drastic..Like the civil rights movement.. The gvt has to be shown that we as a nation are fed up and are not gonna take the BS anymore. Until they are MADE to , or put into a position where they feel like they need to change the laws, they will continue to keep doing w/e the hell they want.
Like I said a few mnths ago.. We really need a "millon man march" in washington type thing at the very least.. or at least something simple like that to start off with.. followed by w/e means needed to bring on change. lobbying.protesting,striking,boycotting and w/e more drastic measures as needed...Its time for change dammit.. its not gonna happen until WE do something to make it happen.
I still say that the alcohol companies and the ciggarette companies are the biggest reason MJ is still illegal.