I have green mold on my rockwool


Well-Known Member
I have 8 plants under a 400w mh and a 600w hps side by side been on 24/7 for 3 weeks, do i just live with it or spray bleach on it, I am using a drip system on 24/7.


Well-Known Member
It's perfectly normal. Don't you dare spray bleach on it. Also, you don't have to have that drip system on all the time. Once or twice daily is all you need.


Active Member
I also have rockwool cubes turning green. Seedlings are 3 weeks old and doing fine, but some of the cubes (not all??), have turned green.
I searched here for keywords "green rockwool" and found another post, (now I can't find it), where the guy said if you block the light from the rockwool with a black sock or something, it will go away in a few weeks. Makes sense. Stop the light and stop the growth of alge.
....... "mold on rockwool, should I pull".... In newbie forum.
Also there is a GREAT sticky in Plant Problems...."Plant Moisture Stess".... check it out also....


Well-Known Member
I have 8 plants under a 400w mh and a 600w hps side by side been on 24/7 for 3 weeks, do i just live with it or spray bleach on it, I am using a drip system on 24/7.

its perfectly normal my friend for this to happen it is just because of the moisture content in the rockwool cube combined with the lovely warm bright enviroment that you have for your plants....moisture+heat+light=mold..