4x Thai, AK47, Strawberry Cough, Silver Haze - 8 weeks VEG!


Well-Known Member
daaamn i hope ya get that shit under controll fast.....

your gonna have to be like hitler on your plants

meaning harsh and speedy ;)


Well-Known Member
I know right.

Well last nights spray down severly lowered the amount of pests in there. I found a few live gnats on the soil today but not many.

I did not make it to the hydro store, so hopefully tomorrow.

What I did do tho was vacuum off the top 2" or so of soil on each plant.

I followed that up with watering since I did not do it yesterday.

I watered each plant with 96oz's of full strength nutes. 8 tbs Hessi, 4 tbs mollasses, 8 grams of Big Bud in 5 gallons total water.

So a strong watering and I had a little bit off runoff in each pot, which is what I was hoping for.

Tomorrow is the hydro store for sure. I'm gonna get some no-pest strips, some gnatrol (which will go in next watering) and some sand to top dress with. Hopefully all this will really slow them down.

Other than the ugly dying growth on the lower parts of the plants (the large plants only) they are looking very good. I'm starting to see crystals forming and I can tell I'm gonna have alot of good looking tops if I can manage to keep 'em from the bugs.


Well-Known Member
Fuck me, your growing buds not bugs! lol
What the hells goin on! :eek:
Where the fuck did the aphids come from?
Gnats - soil
Mites - Clones
Aphids - ?
Do you live near the research grounds of the Acme Pest Research Institute? :lol:
Where do you suck your air from? Filters?
Does your Mom have roses?
As much as I you are gaining valuable experience I really want to see some damn Thai weed :weed: It's such a great smoke.


Well-Known Member
Don't worry guys. You'll see the thai. The only thing I might suffer on is my overall yield, but we'll still make sure we have some healthy top nugs to share here.

I finally made my trip to the hydro store. I don't know why I waited. I love that place. I walked out with 2 more samples and 2 things I needed for only 16$.

The haul.

1lb Worm Castings (my clone top dress to go with first feeding of water + superthrive)
8oz jug of Botanicares "Huvega" Magnesium Supplement (foliar spray)
2x Little sampler bottles of Einstein Oil - Enough for this grow and my next possibly.
50 Grams of Gnatrol gnat killer.

I'm ready to really whoop some pest ass on my garden with my next watering.

I will try and get some pictures up tonight.

My buds are looking great, especially the strawberry.


Well-Known Member
You got my approval on those purchases my man, good choices. Can't wait to see some picture updates, I'll be creepin' :blsmoke:

KC :leaf:


Well-Known Member
The first pics is of that wussy clone that took forever to come around. It ended up growing like it was fimmed. Three even size tops. It's my favorite one right now.

My clones are all doing well except one that probably wont make it. I think I broke some roots when transplanting it.

Sorry the pics suck and it's only 1 plant that was closest that I really took pics of but my camera is such a pain to deal with. I'll try and update at least every week. This is day 13 flowering.

Only the thai and silver haze buds are pictured here.



Well-Known Member
Nice little gallery you've added Tronica, the plants are looking lush and nice. Good looking out for your babies mate. Lots of pictures also scores well with me sir :blsmoke: +Rep

KC :leaf:


Well-Known Member
keep up the good work

also i seen your comp entry damn that bud looks good.. i want to smoke it :)

Yah to bad I didn't win, huh?
I coulda used that bulb :)

Not that I had a chance, there was some qual buds in that comp that weren't just macro shots.

Just a little update on things. My clones are looking great. The ones that took longer to root (transplatned 3-3) are already as big as the ones transplated 2-22. Pretty wierd. I think I wasn't waterng enough. I'm not used to these 16oz cups. Almost feels like I should water at least every day.

I had been giving them just a little water whenever I thought about it and I don't think it was enough. I know today they were really dryed out and droopy so I watered them. I also noticed mite damage picking up a little on them. They still have them from last spray down, very minor infestation.
Since I will be moving most of those into my flowering chamber soon, I dunked them all in a miticide mix tonight (from my Garden Safe Fungicide3). I did this by pouring 16oz of pesticide in a 16oz cup and just dunked my clones in, upside down, to the soil level and held them there for about 5 seconds each.

I then watered all of them and put them back in there space. Which is right now on the bottom level. Everything is lightsealed down there and the clones have been running under 24 hours of light. I have 2x26w 65k cfls in a white circular hood hung in the middle (this hood directs those lights basically on 4-5 plants directly underneath - 5" away) and another 3x26w 65ks on a wimpy power strip just hung a few inches over most of the plants. I will be making a trip to home depot for some 6 more 42w cfls, 3x41k - cool whtes, and 3x 27k warm whites. These will all go underneath to power the micro sog underneath. I would like more lights, but this will handle the small amount of plants I'll be running for now. The clones that just got dunked will veg for 2 more days while I do more pest managment and then they will flower on top with the others until I grab the cfls.

So for anyone catching up, and just to keep things on page. This is the strain list.

Strawberry Cough
Sensai Star
ThaixSkunk - whatever this is
White Widow
x mystery clone x

I only have 1 little sesai about 3 weeks from giving me cutting so we won't have any of that on the next come up. But that's what I'm most excited about.

Where do I buy "no pest strips"?

I'm guessing wal-mart, going there tomorrow, gonna look for a few things but mostly something to make my carbon filter out of. Tomorrow I'm watering, which is 6 days from last watering and I can tell they want it, but I wanted that soil to dry out more. Tomorrow I'll be cleaning the room out AGAIN, seems like I'm doing it everyday.... another wipe own with bleach. Pulling down all my mylar. Scrubbing all the walls. Laying clean towels under all my pots and watering each plant with mollasses and Gnatrol3, no nutes. I'll then remove the towels after 2 hours and scrub everything down again and put down new towels. Then I'll spray all the new towels heavily with Gardensafe3. This lets me keep a layer of death on the floor for bugs. I have been doing that and misting the towels a few times a day and I think it has helped. It's helps keep the shit in the air and combined with a nice humidity (90% during light off) it's just the kind of environment mites and bugs hate. The aphids are gone, the gnats are still here, and the mites are probably still here but they're bitched out, for now thats good. Of course I can't keep my humidity like that for more than another week or two without then worrying about funus and mold. Getting to a crucial point with these bugs!

More pictures soon. They've grown so much in just the past few days, it's pretty amazing.


Well-Known Member
I have a probem with dead gnats. They are covering my buds right now. The glass underneath my mh covers with dead gnats in just a few hours. Like little piles. It's pretty bad. And I just spent an hour picking off hundreds with tweasers. I think I'll pick up some sand tomorrow for sure.

Besides that everythng is doing good.

I snapped a few pics earlier. 21 days flower.



Well-Known Member
I like what see mate.
There lookin great.
Sounds like you might need a mini-vac. :lol:

Funny, I thought about the vac too but theyre so stuck on there that it probably wouldn't work.

But I do have some good news. I got some no-pest strips today. Well just one, but it should be enough or my small cab. fingers crossed.

I also bought a 62w 27k CFL. They didn't have any 42w that didn't need its own ballast and this was the next best up. It was only 13$ and I have it on the bottom of my micro area now. So there is 170w of CFL down there now, which is getting better.


Well-Known Member
Wow!!! Buddage going on in there!! Right on Tronica!! Those girls are really looking happy now!----and now they'll bulk out quick, real quick!
Yeah, the little pests make a mess, huh.......especially if you used any neem based stuff......sticky. So are they all dead?<---sounds like they must be....well, that part is good to hear!
Hey, next pic update will you identify the different strains you have going..? I am just taking clones from my AK47 tonight finally, as they will now have a whole system that will be vacated this week and ready for them......and a couple of WW.

Keep up the great work!!



Well-Known Member
Wow!!! Buddage going on in there!! Right on Tronica!! Those girls are really looking happy now!----and now they'll bulk out quick, real quick!
Yeah, the little pests make a mess, huh.......especially if you used any neem based stuff......sticky. So are they all dead?<---sounds like they must be....well, that part is good to hear!
Hey, next pic update will you identify the different strains you have going..? I am just taking clones from my AK47 tonight finally, as they will now have a whole system that will be vacated this week and ready for them......and a couple of WW.

Keep up the great work!!


The bugs appear to be gone for now. I found some more aphids today but very few and today was clean-up/spray/water day. I pulled every thing out the room including all the plants and drenched the room in insect killer. Then I vaccumed off top-soil of every plant and sprayed all the new top soil with killer, and then all the bottom leaves and put the pots back in by 2's and sprayed them all down as well.
Then I watered each with 48oz of mollasses/gnatrol water.

After cleaning my glass (on the mh) and waiting an hour I only see 2 dead gnats in the glass. Last time I seen over 50 dead gnats in the glass after an hour. So the gnatrol and no-pest strip combo is definately working for those, and I think it's a good thing too. The number f gnats in there had gone quite beyond tolerable numbers.

All my mommas are going great, my micro sog plants are on day 5 of flowering and also doing pretty good. The 2 oldest girls from that run look great. And of course the big plants are doing good tho I think my Silver Haze is not Silver Haze. It looks way to indica, and the babies from it look indica as well. Also it seems to look like it might be the fastest finisher, which is not characterisitic of sativay silver haze.

I'm gonna go take some pics!


Well-Known Member
Tronica, brilliant job with the blitzkrieg on those bugs! Hit 'em hard, and hit 'em fast!

Be diligent on it though, they don't call them pests for nothing.


Well-Known Member
The micro sog area. 172w of CFL. 1x 68w 27k and 4x 26w 65k. All of this is on day 4 of flower.

Ak-47. From my first batch of clones that I didn't know which was which.

Strawberry Cough from the sam batch, same deal. It has grown into into 3 symmetrical tops. This was that one dinky clone that looked so horrid for so long. When it finally shed it's dead growth is grew like a champ.

The cutting from the suppossed SSH that I think is really some kind of indica.

As for identifying them, I will try next time to get some isolated shots of each. This is just a bunch of cab shots. About 23 days into flower or some shit.
