I note that you didn't say that you don't support Iran's terrorism, and it would have defintive and easier to say that way, so you have worked to leave it ambiguous to perpetuate your ambiguity on your support for Iran's terrorism and in that you HAVE shown support for Iran, it is reasonable to assume that you DO support Iran's terrorism.
Yes I now understand that you don't suport the US stopping terrorists from their work. Are you opposed from a right to work stand point? I understand that their benefits are top rate, all the virgins and young boys, gee a homicide bomber after puting on his vest is set for life and only needs to push a button and even his family gets money, With some hard work maybe could qualify.
I DO NOT SUPPORT TERRORISM! - Is that clear enough for you? The logic you decided to run with on this one is seriously astounding, I don't say I don't support something, so that automatically makes me support it. Clearly this is true, I'm a huge racist cannibal redneck, I mean, shit how should you know right? I never said I didn't support those things...
You're the one supporting the US governments actions (
terrorism); Hundreds of thousands of people dead since 2001 as a
DIRECT RESULT of American foreign policy (but I guess you assholes will just mark that off as collateral damage) - terrorism, millions of people displaced and without basic necessities like water and food - terrorism, wars that skyrocketed the crumble of the world economy - economic terrorism, hiring blackwater and other mercenary organizations - illegal, and also terrorism, torture - terrorism, I could go on and on, and yet you support each and every one of these, whose the one who supports terrorism, asshole.
You're wrong, I do support the US stopping terrorists, the shit I don't support is the way they 'stop them' and this ridiculous idea that we can eliminate terrorism off the face of the planet.
There's a big difference. I support any nation who fights against active terrorism, terrorism in any light, whether it's political, economic, nuclear... or
domestic. Our armed forces use terrorism against 'terrorists' (I would really hope I shouldn't have to say this but if I don't one of you jackasses would probably bring it up in a later comment thinking you've got something smart to say, so don't bother, I'm not saying every single member of our armed forces uses terrorism on the battlefield, I'm saying our leadership (if you can call it that) implements terrorist style tactics and openly breaks international laws without any accountability or responsibility, further strengthening the 'terrorists' cause and giving them justification for killing coalition soldiers.
Can you at least see that --- We invade their lands, we kill their civilians, we steal their resources, we post up puppet governments, all that stuff breeds MORE 'terrorists', EXACTLY like it would here or anywhere else. This stuff is not brain surgery... Cause > Effect, pretty simple...
Where am I wrong?
Yes we have let too many in and all of the illegals are criminals and some are barbarians, but the goverment slow to put up fencing to keep them out and even slower about deporting them, so what can you do?
So essentially what you're saying is that all our crime and problems are the illegal immigrants fault, did I get that right?
If you really believe that, then there is no hope for you in American society. I'm truly concerned about someone's mental state who says something so stupid as fact.
I haven't experienced all of them but my third passport is on the way, and I can say that I have enjoyed almost everywhere that I have been, not because of the goverments but in spite of them. I can't think of one that the US would be better off with, though I could think of a bunch of politicans that the US would be better off without.
Now quit alluding to the illusion of your enlightened understanding of goverments and please tell us of these better goverments so that we may become enlightened as you are?
Well, no doubt you'll disagree with any government I list, because you're opposed to the things I think would make our government and society better, or you'll find some obscure aspect of it that in your mind Americans (the kind like yourself) would never agree to, so what's the point?
There are places where people are happier and live longer and have limited government involvement in daily affairs, all of which I think would make this society better,
do you disagree with that?
Please O wise one don't berate ME for thinking something is good just enlighten us to what is better?
Capitalism makes poverty possible, period. It is far from a perfect system. I use it because I have to. Again, any system I say,
ANY SYSTEM, you will disagree with, so why even bother?
Why don't you tell me why you think capitalism is so great? (I'm not dodging this question, I'm giving you logic and reason as to why it's a loaded question to begin with, and asking you a better one with more substance, so don't pull some bullshit and just answer the question)
Well o'bomba has a lot of energy and has worked hard at it. So your saying that you think he has put us on the roar to perdition?
I don't think any one person is responsible for our current situation, that would be incredibly stupid to think that. It's a cumulation of policy that stretches back more than a decade with probably thousands of people responsible in one way or another. But without a doubt, our lack of leadership to solve this situation has been and will be a huge aspect of if we will come out with our heads above water or drown in the bottomless pit that is the American economy. As far as I can see, shit is not going good at all.
Don't worry with time you could grow up to be a big bitch. If someone doesn't strangle you first.
Empty threats and poor sentence structure... trademark of a 'conservative'.
Older than your fingers and toes will alow you to count.
Whose being ambiguous now? Too ashamed to admit your age, think people will actually see how stupid you are by arguing a viewpoint not even a 10 year old would have, being over at least 20?