seeds to sprout


Active Member
I planted some bag weed seeds and was wondering everyones experience here on the longest time it took to sprout? I'm on my 4th day here :-? .


Active Member
well i would recomend germinating your seeds before planting them but if you did that it should ony take between 3-5 days for them to sprout


Well-Known Member
For me it seems seeds can take anywhere between 3 to 5 days to sprout.

Good way to germinate seeds can be placed between folded, wet paper towels that are kept moist and warm in an area between 70-85 degrees, such as on the top of the refrigerator. Place wet paper towels inside a baggie and zip it shut this seals in the moisture.


Active Member
i havnt found a straight answer to this question at all. How long does a plant usually take to sprout (through the soil) if it has already been germinated before hand? I planted my seeds in soil 3 days ago (already germinated) and there are no signs of sprouting yet... should i be worried?


im in the same boat as you, its been 4 days since i planted, keep me informed and lemme know when urs sprout


Well-Known Member
im in the same boat as you, its been 4 days since i planted, keep me informed and lemme know when urs sprout

depending on how deep you buried em, it differs. give it a good 7 days and if nothing, then try to dig them up. They should only be 1/4 of an inch deep, and dont pat the soil down too much.
I've got 4 on the grow (, my first from germination to breaking soil took 3 days, but I have some that are still taking their sweet time to come out, at almost 6.What's your light setup? get a David Suzuki bulb [twirly CFL bulb at walmart (preferably higher then 2700k, itt'l say on the box..)] and get that light an inch away from the soil, all day, till something happens. good luck!



my seed sprouted and it was beautifull but after reading somewhere to put my light 5 to 6 inches away i did so and it burned up overnight:(.... but now after having some short-lived success i germinated 8 seeds and they are now almost one week old and i have my light about 2 feet above them and keep it on 24/7 and they have four leaves, too rounded ones and two jagged ones, i have 3 questions, 1) when should transplant and wat kind of pot should i use? (i dont want it to get over 3 feet tall considering im growing inside and have limited space) 2) how long till they obtain their second set of leaves? and 3) why are my stems curving?