2nd Attempt - CFL PC Grow - Going good


Well-Known Member
How tall is she from the floor? And how tall is the pc case? It double and sometime triples in flower so I would imagine you want to prune the top in a week and when new growth picks up i would flower. Are you going to SCRoG or LST?


Well-Known Member
It's probably around 5 or 6 inches tall. its about half the height of the case. I think I'll LST. Not too sure just yet. I would prefer SCROG. LST is the easier option though.


Well-Known Member
It's probably around 5 or 6 inches tall. its about half the height of the case. I think I'll LST. Not too sure just yet. I would prefer SCROG. LST is the easier option though.
Ok so how tall is the pc case and how tall is the pot. (height of the pc case) - (height of the pot) /2 = How tall you need to flower.

If you are going to lst then measure from the tallest branch to the bottom of the pot, but if you start lst i would prune very soon. You want to lst'd branches right, 4 is ideal. Lamp


Well-Known Member
Okay, LST it is. Its about half height of available space. so I guess i better start flowering. I'm thinking I should start a clone.


Well-Known Member
Okay, LST it is. Its about half height of available space. so I guess i better start flowering. I'm thinking I should start a clone.
Yeah lst soon, but if its half the height of the case you might be able to veg longer. Since half of the height is the pot. How tall is the pot? Remember the pot isnt going to double in height just the plant.


Well-Known Member
Day 37 - 15MAR09 - Fussy!
Lights: 2x 32w 6700k CFL
Light Cycle: 18/6
Temp: 34.7 c

Temp seems to be a tad lower with the one less CFL. Although I don't think it was the heat that was making my plant unhappy since I got back from my little holiday. I have a feeling it was the irregular watering.

Since I've been watering daily, the plant is doing MUCH better (apart from loss of lower leaves - which are regrowing)

The little fella is getting some size now. Getting quite tall.

Question 1: Do bud sites form on the branches or just the nodes of the stems?
Question 2: I have noticed 'white' stipulates. I am not sure if these are female pre-flowers or not. Is it too early to show sex? Do stipulates ever go white?



Well-Known Member
Hmm. Genetic. Maybe my badseed is some crazy awesome strain ;)
Buds occur at every node. Even the nodes on the auxillary (side) branches.

White styles or stigmas are an indication of sex and maturity. You can now start flower if you want.


Well-Known Member
Okay, i'll wait til the end of the week and go 12/12. I'm so excited! Also, thanks again for your help and following my thread Lampshade. Greatly appreciated.

P.S - What are your thoughts on cloning? Think I should take a snip? Could the white styles/stigmas/stipulates be an indication of a female? If so, I'd like to preserve her as a clone so I don't have to take this 50/50 male female risk in the future.


Well-Known Member
Strange cos mynes just shown sex and i dont have white stipules?
so i thought it was genetic :shock: lol

T@ll T33

Well-Known Member
Okay, i'll wait til the end of the week and go 12/12. I'm so excited! Also, thanks again for your help and following my thread Lampshade. Greatly appreciated.

P.S - What are your thoughts on cloning? Think I should take a snip? Could the white styles/stigmas/stipulates be an indication of a female? If so, I'd like to preserve her as a clone so I don't have to take this 50/50 male female risk in the future.
take a clone at the end of week one flowering because if you take a clone before the sex is determined it will stress the plant more and may turn it hermie or male also reduced risk of 50/50 male female clone............


Well-Known Member
Id let it grow until its 3-4 inches too tall, then cut off the top 4 and clone that, then after new growth continues, id switch to flower. Or use a good sized auxiliary branch

But you can def wait till your in flower, but you have to remove the flowers from the cutting or it will take FOREVER for it to revert to veg state.

Also white styles is def a female, congratulations mate. Lamp


Well-Known Member
Also white styles is def a female, congratulations mate. Lamp
What are styles? Stipulates? Are you sure I'm the father of a girl?

Also, I will probably take your advice and let the plant get a bit taller before taking a clone. ESPECIALLY if its a female.


Well-Known Member
What are styles? Stipulates? Are you sure I'm the father of a girl?

Also, I will probably take your advice and let the plant get a bit taller before taking a clone. ESPECIALLY if its a female.
Its a girl. Males dont have white hairs, they have balls that hang on teeny tiny stems.

I say style b/c its more accurate. In general males have stamens, and females have pistils. But the white hairs coming out of a cannabis plant are not pistils according to plant biology. They are correctly termed fused stigmas and styles. They are much less evolved than most flowers.

Also what we call calyx's arnt really that. A calyx is the green stuff right below a flower, its usually the part that looks green on most flower buds before they open. The correct term for cannabis ovules would be floral bracts, which are a coined as a leafy matter in a similar shape to a flower.

Stipules are the leaves below a flower or bud. On cannabis they are the extremely pointy, skinny leafs that stick out on every node. You cant mistake them for preflowers b/c they either will not stick out a set of hairs, or the will not form a ball or balls. Lamp.


Well-Known Member
Day 38 - 16MAR09 - Confusing little thing!
Lights: 2x 32w 6700k CFL
Light Cycle: 18/6
Temp: 32.2 c

Guys, this little plant is confusing me! I'm not sure if it's a he or a she. I'm not sure if the styles/stipulates are really white, if my eyes are playing tricks on me, or if they got burnt when I was on holidays and they just appear white.

I've decided I've jumped the gun on the whole going with the female thing. Maybe I'm crazy. Everyone on RIU IRC channel keeps laughing at me when I say "little things that look like white stipulates!". I don't know. I'm going to TRY to source a better camera and get some decent shots of the node in question. Sigh.



Active Member
Just finished reading the whole thing. Looks like you're learning alot. Nothing like hands on exp. Good luck. Subscribed.


Well-Known Member

Jasuas is talking about the stipules going white no pistols will be showing yet its way too early lol