girlfriend trouble

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I would stick your girlfriends head in a 5 gallon bucket full of fertilizer and then tell her if she ever trys to fuck up your livelyhood again you will kill her. End of discussion. Oh, ya the plants will be fine.
Dude get rid of her. You don't want a girl around thats can't control herself when she is mad. If my old lady started ripping plants up or even started breaking shit when shes mad that would be the end. I'm too old to deal with BS like that. Thats high school BS.
Word of advice: next time, go with a fat chick instead.
They tend to be more loyal and less crazy ...more fat, too, but you gotta have some bad with the good.
In my experince the girls that cant controll themselves are usually insainly crazy in the bedroom.. That might weigh heavy on his choice to get rid of her. You don't know what to do with a girl like that, if you do dump her, she may call the police on you just to get even. I would keep her till your grow is done, then dump her. After you give it to her like she's never had it given to her before of couse.
In my experince the girls that cant controll themselves are usually insainly crazy in the bedroom.. That might weigh heavy on his choice to get rid of her. You don't know what to do with a girl like that, if you do dump her, she may call the police on you just to get even. I would keep her till your grow is done, then dump her. After you give it to her like she's never had it given to her before of couse.
Yeah your right, deffantly wait till your done to get rid of her if you do. Who knows what she will do to get even.
i would recommend a liberal dosage of Bitch-B-Gone for the broad. she may be hot but shes replaceable. i do everything in my power to keep my grow in the dark from EVERYONE. this includes any girls that i bone, even if they smoke. relationships rarely last forever, and when it ends you will have someone who knows about your grow and is probably quite pissed at you, a bad combination.
I would stick your girlfriends head in a 5 gallon bucket full of fertilizer and then tell her if she ever trys to fuck up your livelyhood again you will kill her. End of discussion. Oh, ya the plants will be fine.

works best when you do it right after meeting the girl :lol:
Kick the bitch out shes no good bro.but find somewhere else to live first only one outcome to this story and that will involve the police.get a new place take all your stuff down take it to your new pad get it set up.while all this is going on tell her that you have give the growing and smokeing up then when shes not it your gone like the wind.find your self a nice woman who has her own pad and play the field a while.
Dear Dysfunctional,
Maybe you meant to go here:

I find the misogyny on this board to be a little over the top sometimes, even if it is jk.

That said, a psycho is a psycho. If this is your livelihood, you'd better pick your associates more wisely. Someday you might find out the police do not care that she's hot-- only that she blew you in or did something to attract them to your pad.

Besides, there's plenty of hot smart chicks out there if you're what they're looking for.

Just mho.
Dear Dysfunctional,
Maybe you meant to go here:

I find the misogyny on this board to be a little over the top sometimes, even if it is jk.

That said, a psycho is a psycho. If this is your livelihood, you'd better pick your associates more wisely. Someday you might find out the police do not care that she's hot-- only that she blew you in or did something to attract them to your pad.

Besides, there's plenty of hot smart chicks out there if you're what they're looking for.

Just mho.

Misogyny? Hot, smart chicks? Prove it.
I'm telling you bro ...once you go fat chick, you never go un-fat chick.
this bitch pulled my girls but a couple of em she tried to pull the hole thing out soil and all in a perfect 5 gal bucket shape andput it outsie i got home like 5 mins later and fuckin snapped just cuz i woodnt give her anymore money i put it back in the bucket it seems to look ok but i noticed a couple fan leaves were broke its 6 weeks into veging u think shewill make it

Sounds like my ex- she was a fucking cunt. See you have issues man. If you are growing and you break up with her is she gonna go to the cops. Man I would be really careful with that one man. Seriously
I'm telling you bro ...once you go fat chick, you never go un-fat chick.

That has not been my experience in life. If anything it has been the opposite in that once you lower yourself to ball a big babe you yearn even more for a thin babe and appreciate them more once you are able to have them again.

Hopping a bag of bones give me a bone every day but just the though of climbing onto something that when they lay down looks like a beach ball or an under-filled waterbed, depending on how fat they are and how old they are, gives me limber timber.

ICK! Just the thought of it makes me feel all dirty and nasty, sort of like I have been wearing a Ban-Lon sweater that has been soaked in cod liver oil. I feel like I need a shower just from thinking about bedding a plumper.

I have never been a chubby chaser and I never will be one, though I have found myself with a pair of beer goggles on a time or two and made a mistake.

Those were times when I would wake up early the next day and sneak out and on my way to my car rip a number of bushes out of the ground and tie them to the rear bumper of my car so as I drove off they would obscure my trail so I could not be tracked.
this bitch pulled my girls but a couple of em she tried to pull the hole thing out soil and all in a perfect 5 gal bucket shape andput it outsie i got home like 5 mins later and fuckin snapped just cuz i woodnt give her anymore money i put it back in the bucket it seems to look ok but i noticed a couple fan leaves were broke its 6 weeks into veging u think shewill make it

good thing she knows you grow :clap::clap:
unless she is your wife, she has no need to know you grow. all it takes is one breakup at the wrong time, and you go to jail cuz she opens her fuckin mouth. some of these guys need to get a clue and stop letting the pussy walk all over them.
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