New Member
unless she is your wife, she has no need to know you grow. all it takes is one breakup at the wrong time, and you go to jail cuz she opens her fuckin mouth. some of these guys need to get a clue and stop letting the pussy walk all over them.
exactly...some guys are freakin stupid..what jsut cus shes your gf she has a right tom know you grow??wtf?????? thats the most stupid shit ive ever heard....NO ONE should know you grow..ESPECIALLY your gf..what happoens when you break up..she can easily tell people,cus bitchjes have HUGE mouths..they tell their friends everything..then word will get around..and your dumb retard ass will be pinned down by 5 leo pigz with automatic rifles in your face....in fact,just for being a little retard asnd lettn ur gf know..i hope somthing happens to u man..to learn your fuckin lesson...