I obviously know when something is not true its a lie.
If you REALLY DO think that then I really dont know what else to say. Except, just because something isnt true DOES NOT mean its a lie.. There is this word called "false".. False doesnt mean "Lie".
False -
adjective fals
′er, fals
- not true; in error; incorrect; mistaken a false argument
- untruthful; lying; dishonest a false witness
- disloyal; unfaithful a false friend
- deceiving or meant to deceive; misleading a false scent
- not real; artificial; counterfeit false teeth
- not properly so named; deceptively resembling false jasmine
- based on wrong or mistaken ideas false pride
- Mech. temporary, nonessential, or added on for protection, disguise, etc. a false drawer
- Music pitched inaccurately
1   /laɪ/
Show Spelled Pronunciation [lahy]
Show IPA noun, verb, lied, ly⋅ing.
–noun 1.a false statement made with deliberate intent to deceive; an intentional untruth; a falsehood.2.something intended or serving to convey a false impression; imposture:
His flashy car was a lie that deceived no one. 3.an inaccurate or false statement.4.the charge or accusation of lying:
He flung the lie back at his accusers.
–verb (used without object) 5.to speak falsely or utter untruth knowingly, as with intent to deceive.6.to express what is false; convey a false impression.
–verb (used with object) 7.to bring about or affect by lying (often used reflexively):
to lie oneself out of a difficulty; accustomed to lying his way out of difficulties.
—Idioms 8.
give the lie to, a.to accuse of lying; contradict.b.to prove or imply the falsity of; belie:
His poor work gives the lie to his claims of experience. 9.
lie in one's throat or
teeth, to lie grossly or maliciously:
If she told you exactly the opposite of what she told me, she must be lying in her teeth. Also,
lie through one's teeth.
I have no clue how you get that idea. But nothing really surprises me anymore lol.