Earwax removal?

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
I need a highly effective way to remove earwax...I let it build up and for some reason ever since I was a baby I've had a problem with a lot of earwax. I remember like two years ago I pulled out like a wall of earwax. Anyway, it's built up again and I have this annoying ringing in my ears and I can't find an effective way of removing it because q-tips just push the chunk further in my ear(gross) but yea it's not visible its kinda far in.

youll probably need someone to hjelp but a doctor advise me once to gently heat some olive oil and pour that in my ear it works a treat obviously dont fry the oil just heat it


New Member
Hydrogen peroxide dissolves ear wax. Let some peroxide sit in it for 10 minutes or so and then use one of those baby nose sucker things to shoot warm water with peroxide into it to spray it out.

If you go to a doctor, they will do the exact same thing, only they use a big syringe looking thing to woosh it out with.

Sometimes you have to spray it out for a good 5 or 10 minutes, just dont stick the end of the thing to far into your ear. (it's best to have a partner for this kind of fun).

Been there for years, I feel your pain.


Well-Known Member
Hydrogen peroxide dissolves ear wax. Let some peroxide sit in it for 10 minutes or so and then use one of those baby nose sucker things to shoot warm water with peroxide into it to spray it out.

If you go to a doctor, they will do the exact same thing, only they use a big syringe looking thing to woosh it out with.

Sometimes you have to spray it out for a good 5 or 10 minutes, just dont stick the end of the thing to far into your ear. (it's best to have a partner for this kind of fun).

Been there for years, I feel your pain.
straight peroxide or cut with water? I already have one of those ear things so I'll try it later today.
THANKS YOU:mrgreen:


Active Member
Tinnitus is a symptom of some the little hairs on your eardrums get damaged, and you don't hear the sound for real anymore, so your brain hasn't heard the sound in a time and wants to hear it so it creates the sound (mine is a constant ringing/humming high pitched). That is how my ear specialist kinda described it to me. He also told me that other than Loud noises you can damage the little hairs on your eardrum by digging around in your ears with a q-tip or something like it.
i don't know if it's true or not, but let me tell ya I have had Tinnitus for several years, and it will drive you NUTS. I wouldn't ever mess with my ears if I could do it over again. imo


Well-Known Member
u guys dont clean ur ears ?????????????????? ya'll disgusting
i have no earwax and never will , i clean my shits everyday
its called Q TIPS


Well-Known Member
Yea I'll try the candles but I've tried them in the past and idk if they work too well so I'll go to the doctor. I'm pretty sure it's not tinnitus cause I had a doctor check my ears out before and she said it was fluid from when I was sick and it'd be gone in a few weeks...but I put a q-tip in my ear and I can feel a lot of shit just by lightly pushing it in. If anyone knows what do the doctors do thats so special?

Thanks for the quick replies!
Don't use a q-tip if you have a fuck ton of wax, it'll push it towards your eardrum and you'll be dizzy as fuck. Just go to the doc and have them drain it out.


New Member
I use straight peroxide to soak my ear, just pour it right in, but it's cold as hell, then you'll hear a lot of fizzing sound, that's the peroxide dissolving the ear wax. I use mostly water with some peroxide pour in to rinse it.

If they're bad, you might want to soak them a few times first.

straight peroxide or cut with water? I already have one of those ear things so I'll try it later today.
THANKS YOU:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
i dont get how u guys dont clean ur ears that is soo disgusting
i clean my ears EVERYTIME i take a shower
and u dont need to go to a fuckin doctor to clean ur ears just use a couple of Q-tips if ur ear wax is that bad


New Member
So once per month then? :twisted:

i dont get how u guys dont clean ur ears that is soo disgusting
i clean my ears EVERYTIME i take a shower

He did say that it's been a problem since childhood. His body obviously produces more wax than other peoples.

Hypothyroidism causes excess ear wax. Sometimes it's not a persons fault.


Active Member
yea ear candles work wqhen you open them there filled it looks like 4 grams of crack rocks lol or you can irrigTE IT AT THE HOSPITAL AND GET IT ALL OUT


Well-Known Member
I need a highly effective way to remove earwax...I let it build up and for some reason ever since I was a baby I've had a problem with a lot of earwax. I remember like two years ago I pulled out like a wall of earwax. Anyway, it's built up again and I have this annoying ringing in my ears and I can't find an effective way of removing it because q-tips just push the chunk further in my ear(gross) but yea it's not visible its kinda far in.
i have the exact same problem...used to go to the doctors every 1-2 years to get my ears flushed, i was always embarased because i thought it was a sanitary issue until one of the docs told me its just how some peoples bodys are. they would take a large syringe without the needle and blast warm water into my ears and the wax would just flush out...my wife is a nurse so she was able to get the things needed now i just do it at home in the shower. you can find the extra large syringes at medical spply stores.:joint:


Active Member
they just wash it out with a special tool. it takes less than a minute.
I use a waterpik! Got the idea from my doctor who after three ear irrigations bought one to clean me out. Now I can do it on my own. A little warm water, the soft pulsation of the pik, shit will come FLYING out!:fire:

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I was gonna say peroxide, too.Miss beat me to it.It's what I use.Feels good.My ears get itchy sometimes.
I need a highly effective way to remove earwax...I let it build up and for some reason ever since I was a baby I've had a problem with a lot of earwax. I remember like two years ago I pulled out like a wall of earwax. Anyway, it's built up again and I have this annoying ringing in my ears and I can't find an effective way of removing it because q-tips just push the chunk further in my ear(gross) but yea it's not visible its kinda far in.


New Member
i dont get how u guys dont clean ur ears that is soo disgusting
i clean my ears EVERYTIME i take a shower
and u dont need to go to a fuckin doctor to clean ur ears just use a couple of Q-tips if ur ear wax is that bad
i clean my ears out with q -tips as well right after i get outta the shower and i do this daily its weird tho cuz my left ear hardly has any earwax but my right ear has it all lol and every once inawhile i candle my ears and that shit works soooo well =)


Well-Known Member
i had to get it done awhile ago i went to the doctors and they like squirted water in ur ear kinda felt weird and it like pops out or sumthn dno lol they can also use sum kinda like pick thing to get it out if that water doesnt work


Well-Known Member
An easy to do home remedy, the one my doctor prefers, (he is big into alternative meds), is olive oil, not the kind you cook with, you get medicinal grade from the pharmacy. just put a drop in each ear every night before bed and put a cotton plug in to stop it running out in the night... repeat for about 4 nights. This makes the wax in your ear very soft and easy to remove.

Icky topic, but we all have ears and we all have problems with them one time or another.