Looking for short, non-auto, fast harvest, Indica strain for Aerogarden...


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, I'm lookin for a little help here. For once, google has failed to save me.

I'm about to start a grow using a basic Aerogarden setup, but I have limited space and need a short plant strain.

I don't want any auto-flowering strains because I want to clone and reflower.

At the same time, though, I'm looking for a harvest time similar to that of a Lowryder strain.

I tend to like indicas a bit better than sativas, but I wouldn't mind a hybrid. I won't go straight sativa though.

Any help would be most triumphant. Thanks again.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I looked through all the reviews, but I posted here because of the size of the aerogarden and my grow space.


Well-Known Member
Papaya is supposed to be a short indica

So is Aurora Indica

Aurora Indica is an f1 hybrid of Afghan and Northern Lights. Aurora Indica stays short and produces heavy colas. This plant has exceptional resin production and the buds are dense. Aurora produces a deep, near black hash, aroma and a heavy indica buzz. This strain is probably our most potent indica.

  • Plant type: Best suitable for indoor growing.
  • Plant height: Short- Mostly Indica
  • Stoned or high?: Stoned- Indica Body Buzz
  • THC level: Strong 15-20%
  • Flowering Weeks: 7/9
  • Yield (Sea of Green on one m2) : 350-450
  • Harvest Month: 9/10
  • Grow difficulty: Moderate

Papaya is a fast growing, disease resistant, and usually early maturing strain. Papaya is a heavy, greasy indica staying low and dense, very suitable for sea of green gardens. Papaya has an exotic tropical aroma that reminds one of the scent of whiskey pipe tobacco. The buzz from our papaya is lethargic, almost narcotic.

  • Plant type: Best suitable for indoor growing.
  • Plant height: Short- Mostly Indica
  • Stoned or high?: Stoned- Indica Body Buzz
  • THC level: Strong 15-20%
  • Flowering Weeks: 7/9
  • Yield (Sea of Green on one m2) : 350-450
  • Harvest Month: 9/10
  • Grow difficulty: Moderate

both of these are nirvana seeds, and have 7-9 week flowering, which is pretty quick, you could probably get away with 3ish weeks of veg if you wanted to keep them short.


Well-Known Member
Awesome, thanks for the info. I've been looking into the Aurora Indica, but now I'm really interested in the Papaya. Just curious, I was researching different seeds last night and was wondering what F1 meant.

Anybody else got any good info?


Well-Known Member
the AG can handle any strain man, unless you have height issues or somthing, it can take a full grown plant no prob ;)


Well-Known Member
Its a first gen inbreed, it means you have very little of variety in your phenotypes because it came from a 50/50 pure breed.

The papaya used to be called mango =]

The next big batch I seeds I buy I will be picking up papaya.


Well-Known Member
i've been wanting to order seeds, tho, it is fun making up your own names on the strain less ones haha


Well-Known Member
Its a first gen inbreed, it means you have a little bit of variety in your phenotypes the strain hasnt really been stabilized.

The papaya used to be called mango =]

The next big batch I seeds I buy I will be picking up papaya.
I've been looking at Attitude. They seem to have some pretty good deals. Where do you get your seeds?


Well-Known Member
I've been looking at Attitude. They seem to have some pretty good deals. Where do you get your seeds?
Dr. Chronic didn't pull through, trying attitude right now.

Had 1 friend have dr. c pull through
Had 1 friend have attitude pull through

so.. I've got my fingers crossed, heh.


Well-Known Member
what are u gunna put ur clones in if space is so limited...?

u gunna build a seperate cloner


Well-Known Member
what are u gunna put ur clones in if space is so limited...?

u gunna build a seperate cloner
I won't be cloning for my first grow. I'm just gonna test out different techniques and see what happens.

I'm thinking about trying out topping for two main colas and using LST to send them in opposite directions, coiling under a net creating a ScrOG effect.

Once I get my second ag, I'm gonna use it for cloning and vegging so I can have a nice rotation on plants and harvests.


Well-Known Member
kaozpimp said:
bongsmilieHINDU KUSH!!!!!:leaf:
I have read that HK grows rather tall. Is that not true?

just wondering why "non auto" ? when an auto fits all ur needs.. except the "non auto" part lol.
I was lookin at the autos, and my wife liked the idea of a quick and frequent harvest, but the yield is just so small and I wouldn't be able to do a very good scrog or LST with it. I might try though, just to experiment. I'm thinking since they only need a 24/0 light source, I can plant seeds at different weekly intervals in the Aerogarden and have a constant harvest.

Can you top auto-flowers to make two main coli instead of one? And would LST work with an auto-flower?

Thanks for the help, guys.


Well-Known Member
just wondering why "non auto" ? when an auto fits all ur needs.. except the "non auto" part lol.
Ruderalis is garbage.

Would you want to grow plants bred with a garbage plant? its just bad genetic lineage.

Auto AK weakened with ruderalis genes will never be as dank as REAL AK


New Member
One of my first grows was with Reclining Buddha which is a very small strain but powerful. I still have that strain going even though I'm an outdoor grower. i prefer many small ones to fewer large ones.

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Ruderalis is garbage.

Would you want to grow plants bred with a garbage plant? its just bad genetic lineage.

Auto AK weakened with ruderalis genes will never be as dank as REAL AK
Is it the Ruderalis gene that differentiates auto-flowering and non?