quick stupid question


Active Member
What ratio should i have my lights on, so far the most common one i heard about is 20 hours on and 4 hours off.

please post scientific reason if you know it.


Well-Known Member
18/6 For veg - During vegetative growth indoors (mimicking spring time outdoors) plants grow leaf mass in preparation to grow buds and spread the next generation.

12/12 For flowering - During flowering indoors (mimicking late summer - mid fall outdoors) plants receive less light during they day triggering them to start producing flowers(buds)



Medical Marijuana (MOD)
24/0 will shorten you veg time couple weeks.18/6 is more what mother nature provides. 12/12 for flower


Well-Known Member
According to Jorge Cervantes and his grow bible the closer to 12/12 when they just start to have 3 sets of leafs will increase chances of becoming female - something like 15/9. This however might cause for a longer veg period.


Well-Known Member
My first grow I did 24/0 and they did get taller faster but the node spacing was larger and they weren't nearly as bushy as the ones I do 18/6. I haven't seen anyone give a really scientific answer to this. The best I've heard is that during the day the plants use photosynthesis to produce the food they need then at night they use the food. 18/6 also saves a little money on the power bill.

According to Jorge Cervantes and his grow bible the closer to 12/12 when they just start to have 3 sets of leafs will increase chances of becoming female - something like 15/9. This however might cause for a longer veg period.


Active Member
im not really worried about time or the power bill, i just want some good plants. so it sounds like 18/6 will produce a bigger plant. annyone disagree?


Well-Known Member
18/6 ive tried em all and thats the best, they need a little sleep orelse 24 would be the best, i wouldn't try 12/12 from start hate to dis jorge but some people (not me) go 12/12 from seed and it seems they get flowers perdy fast, i wouldnt risk it, also i "think" that switch to 18 or 24 after 12 might shock a young plant, but its up to u really


Well-Known Member
I've posted the following in a few threads about this subject, so I may as well post it here as well, since it's relevant. This is a post by OT1 regarding vegging times:

Originally Posted by oldtimer1
We did a lot of experiments with light times a few years back using known sat and sat dom clone lines.

With Vegging ie under hid lights.

20/4 produced the most sturdy growth and the most bulk. Best final yield, taken as 100%.
22/2 Less of both. yield 88%
18/6 Studier than 22/2 but slightly less bulk. yield 87%
24/0 Much lighter in all aspects than 18/6. Yield 79%
16/8 The weediest plants. yield 67%

Plants vegged to final pots under fluorescents at 20w per sq ft on 18/6 yield 49%

Have not tried 36 hrs dark but did try 48 hrs from 18/6 veg. The final yield was down between 15 and 20% by var the pure sats the biggest loss in final weight and caused the odd herm, [sats] it did reduce the flowering time by 5 to 8 days.

For the mum lines we have 20/4 to 12/12 gives the best crop weight and bud quality, really thats all I’m interested in.
Taken from here.



Active Member
20/4 produced the most sturdy growth and the most bulk. Best final yield, taken as 100%.
22/2 Less of both. yield 88%
18/6 Studier than 22/2 but slightly less bulk. yield 87%
24/0 Much lighter in all aspects than 18/6. Yield 79%
16/8 The weediest plants. yield 67%

sweet im all ready on 20/4 right now.


Active Member
so 24/0 is only for autoflowering plants? So 20/0 is the best obviously but i dont see how theres any way to do that without using a timer hooked up to the lights. its not like im gonna get up twice a night tp turn lights on and off and im not gonna do my dark cycle during the day...


Well-Known Member
so 24/0 is only for autoflowering plants? So 20/0 is the best obviously but i dont see how theres any way to do that without using a timer hooked up to the lights. its not like im gonna get up twice a night tp turn lights on and off and im not gonna do my dark cycle during the day...
24/0 will work, but 20/4 gives a better end yield. Autos will flower regardless of schedule, but I believe they would also benefit from 20/4 in the same way.

And yes, if using anything other than 24/0 you should definately use a timer. Plants are sensitive to the amount of darkness they recieve, and if it is not relatively constant from one day to the next it can cause problems.