My PC grow case and it's inhabitants.

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
Indeed, that dude's got balls. Get him outta there.

I was wondering what most people usually do with their males after they trash them? It seems like such a waste to just throw them away, I want to recycle it somehow--chop it up and mix it in my soil or something to that effect.

For the plant in question, I think its too late to recycle as there is pollen brewing in those balls that needs to stay away, so grinding it up seems like it will contaminate the females. However, if you sexed early enough, could it be used as compost?


Well-Known Member a week or two for me this time. do you know what strain it is?


Well-Known Member
Ok I can confirm the plant on the far right on page 3 is a female, I can see the two little hairs coming out from bud spots YAY!!! Is it too late to lst? Since the other 2 plants were male I now have a ton of room for the female to bend.


Well-Known Member
I've scrapped the pc case and moved up to a floor speaker which has at the very least 2x as much room. The plant was growing so tall it was touching the bulbs and burning some leaves. I'm just happy it's a female and has started budding.

I'm thinking about giving it a few days of 24 hour light after the replant then switching back to flower mode.


Well-Known Member
I took 1 bulb out, the leaves were wilting so I think there was too much heat.
So where do the buds come out, anywhere there are those little hairs? it's growing like crazy :-P


Well-Known Member
What? Why am I just hearing about this until now. After all the research, I finally read that you can have too much light. Damn........:spew::confused:

I think it causes bleaching of the leaves or something like that...the chlorophyll breaks down and doesn't produce energy


Well-Known Member
My plant has doubled in size since my last pics were posted on 3/13 it's unreal how fast it growing, MAKE IT STOP!!!!


Well-Known Member
So I moved some thing around and decided that the best possible place for this plant is the empty closet underneath my staircase. The conclusion ive come to is that pc grow cases are a huge waste of time and resoucres.



Well-Known Member
Ok here are a couple more shots (3/27) the plant has a couple new shoots coming out towards the bottom of the plant.
