Forgot Password and Request Form Does Not Work


Active Member
So i forgot my password and Im trying to get it reset. I filled out the from to have an email sent to me that will allow me to follow a link to reset my password. Every time I click the link in the email to rest my password it gives me a error message

The address that you have used to request a new password is not valid. Please request a new password be sent to you by using this form.

Once i click the "THIS FORM" link it sends me back to the original screen to have a password reset request form sent to my email.....this is one vicious cycle

I setup this account temporarly untill i can get into my "GREENEARTH5" account.

FYI this is a duplicate post ... i also posted this under then help section


Well-Known Member
LOL......In what way did I say that ruined my day?
I asked why you posted the same thing in the same section....

And no it wasn't a duplicate post.......they were worded differently so I figure that was a pretty legitimate question...

In other words :finger:

I wasn't being an asshole I asked you a simple question.....smoke a bowl and calm down


Well-Known Member
answering a question with another question :roll:

i have moved this thread to the "support" section so the boss can see it. :)