I want elliminate the Job Role 'Politician' all together.... I agree completely with what you have said, which is why I think we should decentralize control of EVERYONE away from any sort of 'Government' completely.
The only things that should 'Govern' our society, are the Basic Human Rights that EVERYONE should be entitled to (not EVERYONE currently receives these)
By making us all politicians (or none of us).... because when everyone has the power.... no one does.
The system I am proposing is not a means of 'control of the people'.... only a means of making sure everyone has access to the necessities for life. (anything else is induvidual choice)
The only reason I have even suggested this is as a means of REMOVING POWER from ANYONE wanting to interfere with MY (or anyone elses) LIFE, or rights.
I don't think ANY government ANYWHERE should be allow to dictate what I can or cannot do, unless it encroaches on the rights of others.... yet every government does this.
I don't want a one world Government, in fact I don't want a Government at all (a government is a selected group of people chosen to make our laws and decide the actions of the country) I don't think ANYONE should be selected for this....because we should ALL have an EQUAL input.....
This isn't COMMUNISM or CAPITALISM or SOCIALISM or FASCISM.... these are ALL only means of social control, society DOESN'T NEED to be CONTROLLED....
However we DO need the basic resources needed for life.....
I want to find a better way of making sure everybody feels fulfilled in society.
If you think this idea is shit then fair enough, please make another suggestion.... because we can ALL see the MASSIVE PROBLEMS with our current system.... yet nobody is making any suggestions of how we can improve it.
Actually the hall mark of true Laisse Faire Capitalism is an astounding lack of control.
People are free to do what they want, and to follow their best interests.
At the same time, they need to be sure that they are not treading on other people's rights, because under a true Laisse Faire Capitalist System it is likely that there would be no courts where justice relies upon getting 12 people to agree that a crime was or was not committed. No, in a true Laisse Faire system it is likely a posse or lynch mob would be formed to grab the perpertrator and introduce them to high branches, ropes and short drops accompanied by sudden stops.
Your problem is that you are confusing Capitalism with a mixed fascist economy that favors screwing over the rest of the country for the sake of the politicially connected.
The only thing worse than Fascism is Socialism where the State Controls everything.
That, and I'm not interested in being told that I have to share even more. The rest of the world is perfectly capable of building exactly what the developed world has.
Of course, it is likely that they will never be able to accomplish these goals if the United States continues to prop up dictators that receive billions from the UN to pay their military to ensure that they remain in power.
The only thing the kind of intervention that the United States embarks upon when it gives billions to other governments (and businesses) is stagnation, stratification and an amazing lack of real progress.
Like the "War on Drugs", the "War on Poverty" is a complete and total joke. Despite Trillions spent on both wars there has yet to be a solid exit plan.
When are we going to stop wasting trillions on the wars that we are losing, The War on Drugs and the War on Poverty?