first grow tiny details???


Well-Known Member
i have a 400 watt hps light is that good enough for about 4 plants?my grow area is the size of a large bathtub


Well-Known Member
i have a 400 watt hps light is that good enough for about 4 plants?my grow area is the size of a large bathtub

You could put in 50 plants. Its just the size of the plants that matter. Do you want alot of small plants with just the top prime bud growing (SOG) or do you want to veg 4 plants to 2 ft branched out ?


Well-Known Member
i saw the scog setup.rnt they the same thing? i liked how all the buds came to the top,but its prolly a little to advanced for me and this is only my first time.i plan to put in on 20/4 till it gets size steak it up cuz i have a fixed light that only slides but its gonna get weak bcuz its gonna grow torwards the light to get close to it.

i think ill prolly get 5 clones. furtilize the mothers while i let the clones root so i can have seeds to step it up with next crop kill the males then 12/12 till the hair things start to brow or the bud looks like its rdy to harvest

can i still clone more from a female with seeds?


Well-Known Member
No idea on cloning the seeded mother. My guess is no, but I have no idea.

Anyhow, the other post is right, you can cram as many plants under that as you want, or grow one big one.

My set up, about half the space (2'x3') I use a 400w and it works well. I would think the problem in your space is getting the light to the ends (of the bathtub). Maybe 2 x 200w one over each half would work, but I read again you already have the 400w.

I am growing 6 plants in that space and they are pretty small. 4 in the space you are talking about would get bigger.

Easy answer is Yes 400w will work for 4 plants in that area. You could use more light, but it all depends on what you are going for. I plan on getting at least a half pound from my 400w and if it was all for me, it would be too much. So if this is for you, go for it. If you are serious about getting the absolute biggest plants and yields, then get another light to cover the area better.

However make sure you can cool things appropriately or else all the light will be a waste, (because you will have to keep it so far above the lights it will be like having a 200w).

I hope that helps a little.

And yeah, I'm doing a scrog my first grow. It is a little complicated and definitely time consuming.


Well-Known Member
how exactly do you do the scog do you just stick a screen above them and all the geen stuff rises above the screen?

and oh im prolly gonna grow about 6 plants too when you mix the nut in with the water you use gallon increments most of the time

do you use a whole gallon for 6 plants you only water em every 3-4 days i don't want to mix gallons an not need that much and have the nuts go to waste that fox farm crap aint cheap


Well-Known Member
how exactly do you do the scog do you just stick a screen above them and all the geen stuff rises above the screen?

and oh im prolly gonna grow about 6 plants too when you mix the nut in with the water you use gallon increments most of the time

do you use a whole gallon for 6 plants you only water em every 3-4 days i don't want to mix gallons an not need that much and have the nuts go to waste that fox farm crap aint cheap
With a scRog (screen of green) you suspend/ fix the screen between 8-12" above the soil. Then let the plants grow up to it. When they are tall enough you pull the branches under the screen and lay them out sideways. So like standing up in a 3 foot all room, they are all bent over, displaying their budsites to the light, with no obstruction above.

Theoretically the entire plant, except the buds when they grow will be beneath the screen, with the buds able to soak up all the light. Also it keeps the grow short. The buds will only get 8 or so inches above the screen (if you are lucky).

As for watering, I do hydro. My plants are constantly hanging their roots in 30 gal of water. So I am not the person to ask about that.

About nutrient costs, My nutrients were almost $400 when I finished buying, but that will last me at least a couple grows, and I am hoping to pull in at least a pound between those two, so $400 for a pound is worth it I think. But yeah, they are expensive.


Well-Known Member
when you mix the nut in with the water you use gallon increments most of the time

do you use a whole gallon for 6 plants you only water em every 3-4 days i don't want to mix gallons an not need that much and have the nuts go to waste that fox farm crap aint cheap
same question again anyone else know?