Pics - Nute Burn


Well-Known Member
Ok.. so i'm noob at this, but from doing a lot of research before i started, i am assuming this is nute burn. I'm using logic to make this assumption, as this is the only plant that has discoloration and it's only on the second node of leaves, and only on that one for that matter...
I did scale nutes in the past two weeks, very small amount the first week, scaled up a little this week, just showing discoloartion yesterday.. now the leaves look as if they might die off. No biggie, the rest of the plant is healthy.. i just want to make sure this is nute burn, and that i caught it in time before it spreads to the rest of the plant.

Also, i questioned airflow, but the box has constant air circulation, all leaves lightly move.



Well-Known Member
Honestly I don't think so. It's just that one l;eaf? Are the tips burned on the others ? ALl the rest of her looks good from what I can see. I think I would take that leaf off once it gets past 50% dead.


Well-Known Member
well I would just relax and make sure it's just that one leaf. For some reason it looks like it is not getting N. but no worrys, the rest look fine.


Well-Known Member
Can't be overwatering, cause i water them every other day, and the soil is dry without being bone dry... i'm sure of my watering.
Lack of Nitrogen, yea i could see that being an issue... but i'm nuting... too much Nitrogen, can't be because i used 1/4 the dose to start them off, and the pot soil is low fert potting soil.
Not MG Soil, =) won't start that way.. PIKES potting soil


Active Member
I'm a noob as well and I have run into the seemingly exact issue. From my experience as long as the new growth looks healthy than everything is taking care of itself more or less, it's as if the plant rids itself of leaves that don't get enough light to be useful (i.e. the bottom leaves) Also, I recently nute burned my plants and it only appeared in the very tips of the fan leaves. It looked very much like the tips got burned by heat. So I can't say that it's not nute burn but as long as the new growth looks healthy don't worry too much I'd say.

LAX Skunky BwS

Well-Known Member
if your only nuting at only 1/4 then i dont think it's nute burn .. unless you use nutes at every watering ... nute burn occurs at the tips.. of the fan leaves.. that yellowing looks like nitrogen deficiency or root rot due to over watering


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't worry about it too much. It doesn't look like nute burn.. bottom leaves tend to die off randomly as the plant gets older. I would just snip it off once it's looking pretty dead.