Thai Super Skunk Questions


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone. I recently placed an order from The Attitude and i recieved some G-13 Labs Thai Super Skunk seeds for free----

They are regular seeds and im planning on doing my first outdoor with them becuz the flowering time says 12-14 weeks and it is "Extremely Potent" with thick heavy buds. I want these to be big six foot monsters that yeild about 1-2 lbs. Im gonna start them now and then transplant into large large holes about 2-3 feet deep lined with news paper. Then im gonna put a layer of sand, and a layer of gravle ontop of a wooden or or cardboard square.I will then fill the hole with soil, perlite, peatmoss, vermiculite, manuare, dolomite lime (if i can find it), blood meal, and bone meal. Does this seem to be right and what kind of extra nutrients or chemical nutrients will I need? Im gonna keep a Journal on them if anyone has grown this strain or has any info on outdo' growin, please chime in.


Well-Known Member
Sorry, I don't have experience growing this, but your soil mix sounds good. Not sure I understand the newspaper and wood though -- you got some kind of "problem soil" in your natural environment?

I'll be growing some straight-up Thai sativa this summer outdoors; I'm starting them indoors this week. My soil mix sounds very similar to yours. We can compare notes..


Well-Known Member
I also have these freebies. I live in the midwest USA and first frost here is about oct.15.These shouldnt be ready till early november...They cant be grown everywhere outdoors.

Space Angel

Well-Known Member
I also have these freebies. I live in the midwest USA and first frost here is about oct.15.These shouldnt be ready till early november...They cant be grown everywhere outdoors.
I was told to get them started early as possible and if healthy while growing, they might make it until ripe, but yes, frost in october will be an issue, might have to cover at nighttime, at times.


Well-Known Member
I've heard G13 Labs is crap, but if its free it's worth the effort. The setup seems pretty decent
Yet another person who says it's crap when they don't know jack shit about the strain.

People say it's crap because it takes long to flower. Does anyone have ANY patience?

Everyone wants the fastest flowering buds out there nowadays.


G Dubya Bush

Active Member
I've got 6 seedlings of the G !3 Thai SS going, too. Three are outside and three under lights on 12-12 from seed (I got lucky. There were six freebies and all six germinated)

Count me in for this trial. I'm in the rural midwest on the same latitude as Chicago. Frosts here can come as early as the end of September and as late as November. I usually expect a frost about October 15.
I'm leary, because I remember growing out Thai Stick seeds (they were very rare) and some "primo" (that dates me ) Maui Wowie that took every day of the growing season to frost up their little popcorn buds.

Space Angel

Well-Known Member
I've got 6 seedlings of the G !3 Thai SS going, too. Three are outside and three under lights on 12-12 from seed (I got lucky. There were six freebies and all six germinated)

Count me in for this trial. I'm in the rural midwest on the same latitude as Chicago. Frosts here can come as early as the end of September and as late as November. I usually expect a frost about October 15.
I'm leary, because I remember growing out Thai Stick seeds (they were very rare) and some "primo" (that dates me ) Maui Wowie that took every day of the growing season to frost up their little popcorn buds.
I have/had strains that take a little longer than normal to fully bud and I made some make-shift tents to cover the plant when expectant frost comes about. Knock on wood, but I never lost one to frost with this method, even into (midwest)novembers. when I start something, I finish right to the end. I also agree that unless you actually experience that something is "crap", then it's just hear-say, so don't let those comments deter your grow.

Muscle Bud

Active Member
Yah....I have some TSS rolling right now as well. I'm sexing the clones I took from the seeded mothers that reside in 1 gallon pots outside for now. I'll know whats up with the sexing in a few days. An early guess from experience and the amount of stretch is 1 lady 2 boys.......I'll mget back and let you all know how they do this summer.

I aslo have Super skunk fem, bubba master kush, a pure strain of landrace afghan, kiwi skunk, northern lights special and kryptonic kush. All in all so far including clones, seedlings, and unsexed plants I have around 75 rolling out.

Peace and keep it GREEN!!!


Well-Known Member
I had four of these make it to the flower room at 8 inches 3 are female and all are 3ft just finishing the intail stretch the side shoots on this strain almost grow parallel too the ground and fast looks like a good strain nice tight sativa with massive growth potential but at 12-14 weeks it might be hard to finish outside.


Well-Known Member
Here are 3 out of 5 that made it to flower at about 8 to 10". They are in six inch pots and pushing 4 ft. They were 8" and went bam 4ft some of the side branches grow almost paralell to the ground


Well-Known Member
Those are the first leaves I've seen look like that since a mexican bagseed I grew last year. 16 weeks of flower and I finally had to chop it cuz it was freezing at night. Got like 10 grams from a four foot plant, it was pretty as shit but it would have taken another six weeks at least to finish.

Space Angel

Well-Known Member
Here are pics of my G13 Thai's

First couple are indoor, last are outdoor, the very last pic is an early bud:
Wow, that don't look like "CRAP" to me. it looks like shit, I mean good shit!!!!! great job!!!!!!!!!! I have a couple of Thai and one giga bud and they look out of this world!!!!!!!!!!! so far!


Well-Known Member
Hey DOW did you fim the indoors? DO tell. I have 4 sprouts/veg and I will be putting them out doors when they first so signs of sex. :joint:
I had to top them several times and the one in the second picture was also supercropped and fimmed.

I basically treated them as experimental plants since they were free and all. They are strong as fuck plants that can take a lot stress. The one bushy TSS in the 1st and 3rd pictures was actually supercropped also but it completely corrected itself!

I broke the shit out of it's neck and came back the next day to check on it and it was straight again, could not believe it!

I still have at least 5 more weeks of flowering to go until they are done, so I will check back in to let you know how it's going.

So far they have been great plants :)