7 New Clones at 3 weeks Veg..


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
you clone in week 6 flowering???is that rock wool??your look better then mine...
thanks the 1st time i cloned at 6 weeks in flower and they all took.don't mean it willhappen this time, i alraedy have my clones cut and growing for the next indoor,. i just wanted to do it again for shits and giggiles.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
good job man,,,im going to update with some pictures later tonite,,im adding (poormans)CO2 to the mix tonite. i will show you the setup...its going to be BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Guys, this is the story..as you can see the some of the clones do not look good at all!! I looked at 3 of them and they had not developed roots yet, so i killed them and now im down to 7. how ever i will clone another 3 tonite..I am adding the CO2 tonite for the next few weeks..sugar & yeast warm water 4--1 liter bottle in the room as you can see in the pics,, shake the bottles every 2 days around a bit to activate the co2 & the end results are pretty good for a cheap co2 system..i will keep you posted....



Medical Marijuana (MOD)
dam they did look bad but they always do tell they start rooting. how long ago did you clone.


Well-Known Member
those poor clones,personally im a big big fan of rooting in rockwool cubes but whatever way u choose u have to i mean have to use a humidity dome over those babies,maybe u have 1 but i didnt see in the pic also u should spray them everyday for the 1st 3 days,take the dome off for a few mins a day spray them with some plain water and throw that dome back on there.ive cut thousands of clones sometimes hundreds at a time and have very rarly lost any at all.gl i hope it all works out well for u :)


Well-Known Member
i guess i should try the rock wool???i cloned them on the 14th...i made another 3 clones like i said i will post them tomorrow, they look pretty good for now.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
i guess i should try the rock wool???i cloned them on the 14th...i made another 3 clones like i said i will post them tomorrow, they look pretty good for now.
if the soil your putting the clones in after you cut, if it has frtz.in it chances are yor burning them up. but if you say you have been doing this teq. and its worked for you, then i won't say any more. LOL good luck


Well-Known Member
No Frtz. in the soil..i have been successful with this teq. over 2 years but that does not mean their is not a better methoad? im going to buy some rock wool and try that fore the first time, lets see how that goes? i will try to pick some rock wool today for the Nursurey..Thanks for the info MYGIRLS......I like your videos on youtube..GL & GG


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
No Frtz. in the soil..i have been successful with this teq. over 2 years but that does not mean their is not a better methoad? im going to buy some rock wool and try that fore the first time, lets see how that goes? i will try to pick some rock wool today for the Nursurey..Thanks for the info MYGIRLS......I like your videos on youtube..GL & GG
thanks bro.:weed:


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
No Frtz. in the soil..i have been successful with this teq. over 2 years but that does not mean their is not a better methoad? im going to buy some rock wool and try that fore the first time, lets see how that goes? i will try to pick some rock wool today for the Nursurey..Thanks for the info MYGIRLS......I like your videos on youtube..GL & GG
hey bro,just check on the root statis on the clones i cut off the plant 6 weeks in flower, AND I HAVE ROOTED. nothing new to me but this is the 1st time i used the jiffy pots. 2 out of the 3 rooted so for. if nothing happens in the next few days with that one, i will recut it and reclone her. this has always worked for me.:mrgreen::blsmoke:bongsmilie:joint::peace:


Well-Known Member
im finding out also that the smaller i clone the better chance i have for roots? is that true or is it if you clone large then its harder to root?


Well-Known Member
so just clarifying here but when u said "7 new clones at 3 weeks veg" did u mean they were clipped from a 3 week old plant or they have been in soil for 3 weeks?


Well-Known Member
No Bro..the first pictures in the thread are all female clones that were at 3 week Veg. at the time, they were not looking to healthy due to the lights that the clones were under, at 3 weeks i put them under my 600 HPS and gave them another 10 days or 2 weeks then i went to 12/12...that 10 day 2 week really helped the plants get alot stronger, i added some bone meal when i made the switch to the larger pots..added CO2 yesterday and already you can see the Pre-flowers,its only week 1 in 12/12, i will update tonite with pictures...Thanks