what do cops do when they ....


Well-Known Member
Lets say im growin 5-6 plants in some woods and the poloce find them. will they just take them down or wait for me to get back there.:?:


Well-Known Member
Lets say im growin 5-6 plants in some woods and the poloce find them. will they just take them down or wait for me to get back there.:?:
I think they would torn up but I doubt police would wait for you... 6 plants ain't much. If you had 100 plants maybe. But 6 plants SCATTERED in the woods is your safest bet. They may only find one and just tear that one up.

Now for locals/hardasses/land owners..... They might lookout for you...


Active Member
i guess it depends about the laws in your state, i personally feel that they would just chop down a plot with 6 plants....more feedback would help


Active Member
i guess it depends about the laws in your state, i personally feel that they would just chop down a plot with 6 plants....more feedback would help
most of the time they would just cut them and maybe try to find how the land owner is.

How many plants in the woods does it take for the eyes in the sky to find them or show up anyway?


Well-Known Member
my cuz was growing 4 plants and the cops found them and they tore them up and took everything


Active Member
thats too fucking funny. Guess they had a coffee and doughnut meeting to get too!!!!

So what would be a safe number outdoors to plant and not have to worry about the eyes in the sky finding them.


Well-Known Member
somebody was just messing with your friend who that happened too because anyone can have a police business card... i got 3 from bein on probation

Dr. Haze, MD

Well-Known Member
Almost everyone with experience would agree that 5-6 isn't worth the cops time. Make sure you don't leave any giveaway though because they CAN follow on leads like a cup with fingerprints or a footprint BUT they usually wont. And you want to spread out your plant so it's harder for cops and other people to find.


Well-Known Member
It depends more on where you live. If it is an area know for growing then yea 6 plants aint shit, but if you are in a place not know for it or have a really small know nothing backwoods PD then they might wait for you just so they can add a grow op bust to their rep.


Well-Known Member
this is true...i actually know somebody who this happened to. no joke.
I would be all over the local papers...

"I was hiking one day and came across some pot plants in the woods...the plants had a card attached. It was the local PD growing them! Look, I even took a picture. Why would the local cops grow pot plants?"