

Active Member
I was jus wondering what people like better dutch shells or swisher shells. i prefer chocolate dutches, ive been done with rollin papers for a long time zig-zags


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I was jus wondering what people like better dutch shells or swisher shells. i prefer chocolate dutches, ive been done with rollin papers for a long time zig-zags

vanilla dutch is the only gar i smoke
always seems to hold the least "flavor" as far as the tobacco is concerned
its nothing but grape, and chocolate dutches and maybe backwoods if the place im at dont have the dutches
chocolate swish for the wake n bake, peach optimo for the blunt while you drive, white owl for when we wanna stuff quarters and have a fat ass quarter blunt, grape swishers for parties.. i also like to do the icy optimos from time to time, those r bomb as FUCK with something thats hella fire
Dutches go with every kind of strain. They burn slower, thcker and easier to roll, well at least to me
i used to smoke swishers until my cuzzin got me on dutches and i fell i love. strawberry kiwi blunt wraps are cool too
i USE to always be a swisher man when i lived in dallas but now im here in the mountains and god damn the blunts are so dried out bc there is like 0 humidity the blunts crack. Tonight i will try the dutch masters and hopefully they will be better.
stawberry dutches all day. some times plain dutches too but the strawberry tastes good for when i have to moisten it to take leaf off =]