Iran Update...

Since the UN now designates any baby born in the refugee camps their own special citizenship...I think no one wants it to end. Imagine being born legally a refugee. A caste society ordained by the U.N. Lawdy...

out. :blsmoke:
We simply are the most violent species to ever inhabit the earth...nothing has changed... until we can get past superstition, we will be unable to make the next leap.

out. :blsmoke:
Here is a scenario... you took my farm, so i am not just going to leave things, because i have NOTHING else, I decide to attack you, unfortunatley I had to scrape together and best i could do was some old WWII rifle, and the thing is horribly inaccurate... I take my daughter to use her shoulder as a gunrest, You however have armour and a grenade launcher... do you A, shoot me, killing the child as well, then blame it on me. Or do you B, retreat?
See... Cracker knows what the right thing to do in this scenario is... but will he choose it?
Here is a scenario... you took my farm, so i am not just going to leave things, because i have NOTHING else, I decide to attack you, unfortunatley I had to scrape together and best i could do was some old WWII rifle, and the thing is horribly inaccurate... I take my daughter to use her shoulder as a gunrest, You however have armour and a grenade launcher... do you A, shoot me, killing the child as well, then blame it on me. Or do you B, retreat?
Dude... that is COWERDICE, you have taken to an extraordinarily pure level I don't think has been matched... ever. I can not think of any scenario I would put any one but the target in front of me when I go shooting, and that is target practice, not with people shooting back. Your daughter in the above scenario, is your future, the whole reason you would be fighting for... it makes no sense what so ever. NONE!!!
Dude... that is COWERDICE, you have taken to an extraordinarily pure level I don't think has been matched... ever. I can not think of any scenario I would put any one but the target in front of me when I go shooting, and that is target practice, not with people shooting back. Your daughter in the above scenario, is your future, the whole reason you would be fighting for... it makes no sense what so ever. NONE!!!

And this is exactly the problem.

You fail to see from anyone else's point of view. You're unable to answer a simple hypothetical.

Just answer the question.

Would you kill the evil person and his innocent daughter or not?
When fired upon, yes you must return fire. This is not a very difficult hypothetical.

Imagine if the response was, NO, not under any circumstances. Children would be routinely be brought into battle... think it through.

And yes, of course it is cowardice. Hamas is a most cowardly foe. They DO routinely put their children and innocent folks on BOTH sides into harms way. I find it amazing that people openly defend them without a smidgen of SHAME.

Imagine the US Army announced tomorrow that they would use children as shields and fodder. Would you object? Answer that simple hypothetical Paddy...

out. :blsmoke:
When fired upon, yes you must return fire. This is not a very difficult hypothetical.

Imagine if the response was, NO, not under any circumstances. Children would be routinely be brought into battle... think it through.

And yes, of course it is cowardice. Hamas is a most cowardly foe. They DO routinely put their children and innocent folks on BOTH sides into harms way. I find it amazing that people openly defend them without a smidgen of SHAME.
. :blsmoke:
You realize its just a tactic, if the palestinians had planes and tanks they would use those. Cracker you and the rest of the Neocons are fighting a battle against a "tactic". You focus so much on terrorism you fail to see the larger picture of the conflict.

We don't agree with "tactics that Hamas uses but we do believe they (palestinian people) have legitimate grievances.

let me say it again

We don't agree with the "tactics that Hamas uses but we do believe they (palestinian people) have legitimate grievances.

Hey did you ever read any of Scheuer books or do you just quote his expertise when it fits your agenda
That is not even a logical response. I agree that there are grievances. Name a country which doesn't have some.

So I will take it that Natrone would not object to the US army using children as shields. Well done. :clap:

out. :blsmoke:
Imagine the US Army announced tomorrow that they would use children as shields and fodder. Would you object? Answer that simple hypothetical Paddy...

out. :blsmoke:
You were asking Paddy:wall:. See cracker its obvious not only do you not read anybody elses posts, apparently you don't even read your own posts:clap:
Here is a scenario... you took my farm, so i am not just going to leave things, because i have NOTHING else, I decide to attack you, unfortunatley I had to scrape together and best i could do was some old WWII rifle, and the thing is horribly inaccurate... I take my daughter to use her shoulder as a gunrest, You however have armour and a grenade launcher... do you A, shoot me, killing the child as well, then blame it on me. Or do you B, retreat?
You and your daughter would be toast bro sorry...
This thread is starting to make me think of things I've done as a soldier. And im sorry but if you are trying to harm me or anyone around me you are an enemy combatant and so is anyone helping you. There was a group of 3 boys in Ramadi that came out of a truck parked about 150m away from a small market and where my truck was(i was a 240 gunner, see avatar) their uncle stayed in the truck which was wierd. they were trying to keep themselves covered and kept looking back to the truck. My driver said they had something under their clothes, i drew down when they were about 45-50m away and yelled "stop" they started running towards us, i fired a warning burst to the right of them, they kept coming and so i went cyclic on them. Am I a murderer? a child killer? Well 2 of them had over a kilo of cyntax each(would put a 20m hole in the ground) so you decide...Personally i would rather think of how many inocent Americans AND Iraqis did i save that day...
And this is exactly the problem.

You fail to see from anyone else's point of view. You're unable to answer a simple hypothetical.

Just answer the question.

Would you kill the evil person and his innocent daughter or not?
Like I said if you are going to fight a war just to lose... give up. I would shoot anyone trying to shoot me, but my family would be behind me tucked away as safe as possible. Now the question is; if I am shot and killed, is the cowardly dude going to shoot my innocent family or not? If the coward puts his child in between he is the murderer of his child NOT me. Now rip apart my hypothetical answer.
Sued answered the first posit and Paddy continued the press it so it is perfectly correct that I address him. Perhaps you should read a bit better. Pay attention.

You may answer the question if you wish.... I'd love to hear the circular logic.

out. :blsmoke:
At some level I am not suprised by your thinking, at the same time it revulses me so, that I do not know how to respond calmly yet.
You and your daughter would be toast bro sorry...
This thread is starting to make me think of things I've done as a soldier. And im sorry but if you are trying to harm me or anyone around me you are an enemy combatant and so is anyone helping you. There was a group of 3 boys in Ramadi that came out of a truck parked about 150m away from a small market and where my truck was(i was a 240 gunner, see avatar) their uncle stayed in the truck which was wierd. they were trying to keep themselves covered and kept looking back to the truck. My driver said they had something under their clothes, i drew down when they were about 45-50m away and yelled "stop" they started running towards us, i fired a warning burst to the right of them, they kept coming and so i went cyclic on them. Am I a murderer? a child killer? Well 2 of them had over a kilo of cyntax each(would put a 20m hole in the ground) so you decide...Personally i would rather think of how many inocent Americans AND Iraqis did i save that day...
seems alot of people are worried about guys like you putting them into a fema concentration camp.
there is just a little over one million american soldiers.
they had a terrible time settling iraq.
how would they take control of the USA? would it be possible? NOPE.
and besides there are ALOT of us that used to be in the military who would start sniping holes into the heads of the troops who would turn a gun on the american public.
you iraqi vets are really lucky the iraqis did not have high quality scoped hunting rifles all over their country that they were good at using.
seems alot of people are worried about guys like you putting them into a fema concentration camp.
there is just a little over one million american soldiers.
they had a terrible time settling iraq.
how would they take control of the USA? would it be possible? NOPE.
and besides there are ALOT of us that used to be in the military who would start sniping holes into the heads of the troops who would turn a gun on the american public.
you iraqi vets are really lucky the iraqis did not have high quality scoped hunting rifles all over their country that they were good at using.
As far as fighting in Iraq goes, 95% of the people we were fighting are not Iraqis, they are Lebanese, Sudanese, Iranian, Syrian ect.
And yea as a vet i took an oath to defend the US constitution from ANY enemy foreign and domestic. I grew up shooting competetively for the Colorado sharpshooters(national and US world team) I dont know about yall but I would go invest in a decent little rifle(winchester 70 or browning xbolt in a .308 would be perfect)
Our forefathers gave us the 2nd amendment for a reason, and its not to go deer hunting.
"The tree of liberty must be watered with the blood of patriots..." John Adams