Could Legalizing Marijuana Help the Economy

I just wrote a long post but got bounced off and lost it. Long story short, did anyone see 20/20 last night. They did a show on gov't spending and one of the segments featured marijuana and how it is ridiculous that this medicinal herb is illegal. Gotta run but I will fill in some details later if someone doesn't beat me to it first.

P.S. For $60 a day you would think I would've eaten better in the Jefferson County Jail in Louisville, Ky. I mean really, how much do instant mashed potatoes and fake meatloaf cost to make anyway. Talk about Gov't waste.
I'm sure when alcohol prohibition ended there was a lag in time where things needed to switch over from back alleys to store fronts, but it got done.

Prisons have become private industries and I'm sure they are little money makers, but really, would anyone out there enjoy sitting in prison over a plant just because prison guards need jobs too? That's no reason to keep it illegal.

I think the money saved on busting people for pot would be a really amazing number. Just think of all the people in prison what it costs to feed them. Isn't it like $60 per day per person? That's a lot of cash saved if all the non violent marijuana offenders were let out.

well i've heard reports ranging from about $20-$30k per year per person. so yeah about $60-$80 a day per person.

I think that the taxpayers (like us) would be the ones who would financially benefit most. but people are making lots of money in this business so they're not going to let it go easily.
Hell.... yes it could help the economy and it should be legalized. Look at tabacoo taxes I live in NY and they are fucking crazy. I dont smoke them anymore thank god! Thousands of people die every year from that shit and alcohal. Weed is so much better for you than any of that stuff. The goverment has put out so much false info on weed that it makes me sick! Worst of all are the assholes who believe it! All I can say is legalize it tax it and regulate it. Maybe some day they will legalize it. We can only hope also if all of us as a people write our goverment officals and let them know what we think it might help speed the process of getting it legalized. If anything else it will cause them to deal with a lot of paper work. Remeber we are the ones who put these people in office. Legalize it now!
There's so much shit you can with cannabis, It's ridiculous. If they legalize cannabis, we could create so many jobs from the plant alone with how much the plant alone can do. Just think of all the possibilities if it were legal. You get money for growing it. You get money for selling it. You get money for making new strains. you get money for clones. You get money for medical purposes. That's not even mentioning hemp and how it could be used to make fuel, paper, all sorts of shit comes out of the cannabis plant alone. I don't even know how the people don't realize that hemp alone can make our planet so much healthier, it's such a useful tool that no one can use, I bet people will feel so dumb once the production of cannabis becomes legal. You don't even have to smoke it you cna mix it with food and you know what you will never OD haha. We should all be experimenting with cannabis and seeing just how far it can go, this shit has never been researched and it's bounds are endless. Start thinking of ideas on how to market cannabis It's gonna be it's own industry one day.

This plant should be the sole idea behind the "Go Green Future" i mean just think about it, research it, and please spread the word to as many people as possible.
Millions Of Dollars Made a Year in Taxes That Weren't Made Before... Yup It'll Help. And The Jobs Created By Cultivation, Marketing, Advertising Ect. Ect. It Would Help Wonders...
I didn't see it, but reading your post made me go look for it.

I found it here

Nice find misshester. Are we friends now?

The whole show from last night is here but cut into segments, marijuana has it's own segment.

Thanks for mentioning it.

Funniest part of that segment was Drew Carey walking into a Cali dispensary, taking a big, deep breath and exclaiming, "Do you smell that? That's the smell of freedom."

Saddest part was that poor guy in Cali who's facing 100 years, that's not a typo, 100 years for cultivating and selling to MMJ patiets in a town, county and state where it is legal. Fucking feds.

Part that best encapsulated the benefits of MMJ: Melissa Etheridge talking about going through chemo. They gave her one drug for pain but that made her constipated, so they gave her something else to ease that but it gives you diarrhea, so they gave her something else for that. Four drugs in total, one for the pain and three others to treat all the side-effects. Sounds crazy right? She thought so she so turned to MMJ. Eased her pain, helped her appetite and no side effects. Is this not a miracle, medicinal herb or what?

Again another positive report on marijuana and it's benefits by the national media. It's going to happen. I can smell it, just like Drew Carey was smelling those buds, I can smell it.
Who said we weren't friends Temporary Saint? I can have different opinions than others but still be their friend. :mrgreen:

I've been a Drew Carey fan since his Drew Carey show ran it's first episode, but the more involved in the Marijuana battle he gets, the more I like him. While watching that video clip yesterday I thought, "if he ran for President, I'd vote for him" I bet I'm not alone in that thought either.
I think the money saved on busting people for pot would be a really amazing number. Just think of all the people in prison what it costs to feed them. Isn't it like $60 per day per person? That's a lot of cash saved if all the non violent marijuana offenders were let out.

If it does cost $60 a day to feed one inmate then that is the most insane thing I've ever heard. It doesn't cost me $60 a day to feed my family of four. Makes me think of the military and their $500 hammers. Inefficiency and waste at it's highest level. I long for the days of limited gov't, but I fear that those days will never come.
It's all good, if everyone had the same opinion on everything all of the time, what a boring world this would be.

I only posted that because we got off to a rocky start. I know that I sometimes come across as a raving lunatic, it's one of the reasons that I need my medication to be legal.
I think that it would be benificial to the economy, and i do believe that in the next 4 years it will be legalized. One main reason i say this is obama's term will be ending and if he gets the economy fixed and legalizes weed a lot of people will vote for him look at all the pot smokers out there and also i have friends who dont smoke pot but think that alcohol is worse because they have seen the way people act on both of them. Thats my 2 cents
I have seen Alcoholics give their last dime to drink.They would have no problem robbing someone if they had some initiative.I'm not talking about everyone who drinks,just the many that let it run there lives.My brother is one of the worst but a little smoke and a day or 2 off the hooch and he is a brilliant person.The booze clouds ya up too much.I love my weed,Hydro:bigjoint::bigjoint:
Isn't it ironic that the shit economy is going to be our saving grace. It's kind of funny actually, marijuana is bad unless government is broke, then suddenly it's ggggrrrreat !!!

Everytime I think about it, I snicker.
Isn't it ironic that the shit economy is going to be our saving grace. It's kind of funny actually, marijuana is bad unless government is broke, then suddenly it's ggggrrrreat !!!

Everytime I think about it, I snicker.

It makes you wonder...why didn't we think of this before?
how much taxes and US debt do u think would be resolved if they legalized it and taxed it.I don't mind paying hemp taxes,shiiittttttt,if that was all we need to do,they don't have enough dump trucks in the world to take all that money to the bank with.I want to live in Cali,they have there shit straight there.maybe one day. peace out