Passive Growing = Full time job


Well-Known Member
"Dude... i could totally grow these in a coke can.."
".. you got dirt?"

The fantastic four seedlings were soon sprouting healthy green leaves..
"what did i do? did i really just give life to these? fuck i don't want to get rid of them..."

"build a grow box"

- Taken from my post -
" "

What i used:
-4" high, 4 sqft computer desk
-2 27w = 100w flourescent lightbulbs
-carboard to make a light box, lined with tin foil and alluminum tape.
-two Massey adjustible fans (took the rods off)

So i cut holes in the side and the top-back for the fans, back being exhaust, side being intake. Fit them in, secured with screws.

Made the light box, which in one of the pictures,

you can see the inside of the light box where i have the exhaust fan point out.

I moved the keyboard drawer to the very bottom of the computer case so i could pull the plants out and not fuck anything up inside.

I still used dirt from my yard to grow them, however i mixed the dirt, 1 part dirt, 1 part Expert Perfect Mix Potting soil
I now had 4 plants bathing in light.



Well-Known Member
Soon after, i posted my success to the forums, so everyone can share in my glory! hah.
I was given good information on my design, i neglected the reflection using foil, and i needed to re-pot my plants so they have they own cribs you know what i'm sayin?

so, next day i ventured out to find the materials needed to build the new interior of my box... the idea still fresh in my mind.

I made a smaller, yet wider light cover from the poster board,

poked the lights thru and secured them about 3 inches from the top of the cover.

I also improved the vent, instead of the staionary vent, i made a coil hose to attach to the exhaust fan and the lamp cover so that i could extend the cover and the lights at the sae time, bringing both closer or farther from the plants. Works like a charm!

My next mission. Re-pot mah bitches! coming soon-


Well-Known Member
So just finished re-potting the girls, they each have a nice pot for their very own...

i also dropped the light cover

Now i need two more 100w CFL's... i should be good to go after that!

more to come


Well-Known Member
and they're off!

son's of bitches expanded after transplanting to the new pots. All 4 seem to have taken to the soil quickly, no stunt or pause in growth. Which i assume is good after 2 transplants within 3 days? aybe it doesn't matter.

18 hour day of light for them today. then they go to 20 for the rest of veg. I got 2 more 20w=75w CFL's and placed all 4 lights adjacent from another, so i should have a good amount of mixed cool lights for their veg.

I will post pictures later on after box is set up.


Active Member
wow and i thought my first grow was out of the blue. Your shit is macgyver crossed with martha stewart.


Well-Known Member
It matters on how many can live =).
I'm hoping that 2 live, then when they get a second node, i'll convert the box to a SCROG.
If all 4 are healthy and make it, then i will create a mother box from the grow box, and create a cloning set up in my closet (i have multiple shelves a good 3 to 4 inches apart.. could do 3 shelves.

but we will see how it goes.


Well-Known Member
Day 15, i think.
So.. after transplanting twice within 2 days, STILL HEALTHY! and when i said they immediately took to the soil.

This is a plant a day ago before i replanted a second time. (The one on the left)

This is the same plant 24 hours later




Well-Known Member
Just wanted to post a quick update... all 4 guys doing extremely well. The two in the front seem to be growing faster then the ones in back, could be lighting... but either way, all look healthy and getting their 5th and 6th leaves in quite well.
Getting a new camera on saturday so i'll have some sweet ass pics for you all soon.


Well-Known Member
Looking good man, Im going to subscribe to this seeing as I started mine about the same time as you. Your set up looks a lot better than mine though.


Well-Known Member
10 day since my last post, my bad... didn't even get to post when i transplanted them on the 9th... so gonna do it all now but i'll use the most recent pictures.

So.. need nutes.. got some fresh new potting soil from PIKES! Along with some miracle grow plant food... i'm regulating smaller doses to the girls to ensure no nute burn, however on one leaf on one of my plants, looks like it got a little nute burn, don't have pictures of the leaf yet but i'll take them today. (and i'm not using the smart water... water... lol i drink that.. i'm still using tap water.)

I topped all the plants now.. i had to top them at different times during the week since they all seem to be vegging at different rates... strange occurance.

All in all, they still look healthy, smell GREAT, and adapted to the new soil with no serious problems. My biggest plant, she got droopy as a bitch, and after a process of elimination, i determined it to be underwatering, gave her a little more water than the others, and she perked right back up.

lol Thanks for all your comments and help!



Well-Known Member
Wanted to get an answer before i posted a plant problem in my journal, so i could show the problem, the fix, and the results.
So right now, one leaf on one plant looks like this:

Finally figured out how it got to that point.
Thought it was nute burn, but i wasn't using a lot of nutes... and rollitup people confirm that it isn't.
So what could it be:
-Lack of N... very possible, tell you why in a second.
-Lack of Magnesium. Possible, but not as probable as lacking N.
-Over watering. No.. lol i'll tell you that right now.
-PH. I was saying absolutely no to this, until last night.

My normal water PH (city water) has been 6.6. This is acceptable for plant grow and nutrient absorbency. I know between 6 and 6.6 is ideal, but 6.6... ehh.. didn't want to spend money on ph down and worry about small pea sized amounts to fix the ph... SO, no ph balance done.
Been watering them without change in water since yesterday. I usually test my water's ph whenever i think of it, just cause i know it's 6.6, but testing last night showed a 7.6 ph level. Something happened, or the city put something in the water.. and since i haven't tested the water for about 9 days, i was most likely watering them with shit water for a few days at minimum.
I ran out, got PH down, got it down to about 6.5 (i think it's probably 6.2) and added VERY small amount of nute to the water, and fed them last night.
Today, green is starting to come back to the yellow areas.. i'll take a picture tonight or tomorrow to make sure it's not just me, but i'm pretty sure they are repairing themselves. I love this forum.. lol always so helpful!
Thanks guys


Well-Known Member
Finally got a computer back so i'm able to post new pics.

So! Started flowering yesterday, switched to 12/12 at 9pm. This was an experiment grow, and i'm happy with the results thus far, and since i found some seeds in a bag of afgani kush i bought, i need to make room anyway =P

Gave them a half dose of nutes sat. gonna get a full dose this coming saturday, of some bloom nutes, i figured that gives a good 5 day start for flowering, while any nutes in there get eaten.. i'd be feeding them at a perfect time.

Also, they were topped and pruned to get rid of the big useless fan leaves. That was done 4 days ago.. they have grown quite nicely since then.

Group shot and individuals.




Well-Known Member
You have to flower those right away. Plants grow 2-3 times there size from when they are put into flower up until harvest. By the looks of it, even if you started flowering right now they would still out grow your grow space.


Well-Known Member
You have to flower those right away. Plants grow 2-3 times there size from when they are put into flower up until harvest. By the looks of it, even if you started flowering right now they would still out grow your grow space.
haha good thing i started flowering a day ago then... thanks for the info.. yea i assumed they were getting a bit large, i just wanted to make sure the kolas under could grow out a little. The box still has 2 and a half feet.. the max size plant is 12 inches from soil to top. i might have enough room, especially if i put the scrog screen in...